I’m Married!

So obviously I haven’t posted in a while, and there’s a good reason for that. I was getting married, and then I went on my honeymoon.

I’m now a very happily married man and I have had a lot of changes and interesting things happen to me over the past few weeks, so I have a lot of posts that should be coming your way in the near future.

I can’t believe I haven’t updated this blog in almost a month, so I really am sorry. Getting married was priority number one and it was awesome!

I ended up spending about $25k on the wedding, and I would do it again in a second. It was by far the best day of my entire life and worth every single penny.

Anyway, you guys can all tell me how stupid spending $25k on a wedding is while I work on all the different posts that I need to share with you.

12 thoughts on “I’m Married!”

  1. It’s only dumb if you go in debt for it. We all have different priorities for our money, and this was obviously yours. CONGRATS!!

  2. Congrats, Kev. Only thing is, now you can’t refer to your GF as TAG, you’ll have to start calling her TAW.

  3. Congratulations Kevin! That is so exciting! Any photos? Have you had time to go on a honeymoon?

  4. John C @ Action Economics

    Not dumb at all, as long as you can afford it and it was important and enjoyable to you and your new wife to do so. We had no money when we got together, so our wedding was done on a shoestring, it would have been irresponsible of us to have spent more than a couple grand at the time on a wedding. If we got married today, I think $15-$20K would still be in the responsible area, it all depends on where you are in life! I’m sure you saved up and budgeted for this expense as a major goal, Congratulations!!!

  5. Congratulations on your marriage! As a frequent reader, I was beginning to wonder where you were!

  6. It would have been stupid for me to spend that much on my wedding, because I wanted something small and simple. The point of saving money is to spend it on things we value (I would cheerfully blow that on a couple vacations) so if you are happy, mission accomplished!

  7. Lisa E. @ Lisa vs. the Loans

    Congrats Mr. and Mrs. Thousandaire! I don’t think 25k is stupid for a wedding. As long as you made smart decisions along the way.

  8. Congrats man! I just ran into your video searching around for Roth IRA and glad I did – Thanks for sharing your info and again, congrats on your marriage 🙂

  9. Nik @ Midlife Finance

    Congratulations Kevin! Getting married is one of the best thing that a man can experience. It doesn’t matter if you spend $25k for it, because it’s really worth spending! It’s a once in a lifetime event so you really need to make it special.

  10. Sebastian McCoyle

    Congrats on getting married! However, I still think that you were wrong to dish out 25K. 10K is more than enough for a wedding! Anyway, now you have to pay for your new car with financing from Chrysler Capital Group, rather than using that 25K to buy your car outright. But seriously, congrats on getting married. You have a lot of hard times ahead of you, but the difficulties can be turned from bitter to sweet if you use them to draw closer to each other and re-establish your commitment to each other.

    I have one request: Can you talk more about Lending Club? How has your investing been going? What are your thoughts on the ‘Automated Investing’ option?

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