beautiful woman sleeping in bed

10 Surprising Benefits of Getting More Than 6 Hours of Sleep

beautiful woman sleeping in bed

Everyone knows that getting enough sleep is crucial for good health, but still, they stay up late watching TV and wake up early the next day for work. Many of us are just not catching enough Z’s at night. As a result, we’re not reaping the benefits of getting more than 6 hours of sleep.

It may seem like you’re being more productive with less shuteye time, but in reality, you’re missing out on some surprising perks.  Here are 10 unexpected benefits of getting more than 6 hours of sleep each night.

1. Enhanced Creativity

Person drawing a blue whale on a sketchpad

Sleep is basically like a recharge for your brain. By getting more than 6 hours, you’re giving your brain enough time to foster creativity and innovative thinking.

It may be surprising, but when you’re deep in Snoozeville, your brain is busy making connections between distant ideas. Getting more than 6 hours of sleep can lead to clearer thinking and an increased ability to solve complex problems.

2. Improved Athletic Performance

Beach volleyball players going up for the ball at the net

Athletes, this one’s for you! You may notice significant improvements in speed, accuracy, and reaction times with increased sleep. Suddenly you’ll be able to hit a baseball farther or slam dunk a basketball with ease.

Sleep extends beyond mere rest. It facilitates muscle repair and growth, optimizing the body’s recovery processes. Athletes will perform better while also reducing their risk for injuries.

3. Better Weight Management

Man in oversized pants in weight loss concept

Are you trying to shed a few pounds? Good nutrition and blood-pumping bicep curls and circuit runs aren’t the only ways to get in better shape.

One of the many benefits of getting more than 6 hours of sleep is you could lose weight. Good sleep increases the production of various hormones that regulate hunger and appetite, namely ghrelin and leptin. You’ll have reduced cravings and prevent the likelihood of overeating.

4. Stronger Immunity

Woman blowing her nose on the street

Nobody likes feeling sick and achy. Luckily, another one of the benefits of getting more than 6 hours of sleep is an improved immune system.

Regularly getting a full night’s sleep can boost your immune system’s efficacy. During sleep, the body produces cytokines, a type of protein that targets infection and inflammation. Expect fewer sick days in your future if you hit the hay a bit earlier at night.

5. Decreased Risk of Serious Health Issues

Doctor and patient at visit

An improved immune system is one thing, but sleep duration is also linked to a reduction in chronic diseases. This includes heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.

More than 6 hours of sleep can drastically decrease your risk of acquiring these conditions. Enough sleep allows your body the proper time to repair and regenerate all the critical systems that keep you functioning.

6. Improved Mental Health

happy man with backpack and smartphone outdoors

With so many people struggling with mental health issues, many are looking for solutions. Surprisingly, there is a strong link between sleep and mental health.

Aiming for 6 hours of shuteye every night can help manage stress, anxiety, and depression. Plus, those who sleep long enough often experience better mood stability and a greater overall sense of well-being.

7. Enhanced Memory Retention

Curly haired woman touching her head against red background

Maybe you’re not feeling forgetful due to old age after all. Sleep plays a critical role in our ability to consolidate both short and long-term memories.

During deeper stages of sleep, the processes that help reinforce new learning and memory occur. This makes more than 6 hours of sleep essential for everyone, but especially for students and professionals who need to ensure adequate performances.

8. Longer Lifespan

Older woman on laptop eating croissant drinking coffee

We’d all like to grow older and wiser. There’s evidence to suggest that getting sufficient sleep can lead to that longer life we all desire.

Sleep affects many biological processes that are tied to aging, including cellular repair and metabolism. By getting more than 6 hours of sleep each night, you may just live to see your 100th birthday!

9. Improved Social and Emotional Intelligence

Woman and man talking outside

Sleep affects our social interactions and emotional intelligence. Without a doubt, being well-rested will improve your ability to recognize social cues and process emotional information.

Both of these qualities are beneficial in the long run. Over time, you’ll notice that your personal and professional relationships are even stronger.

10. Sharper Attention and Focus

Man in glasses sitting on couch reading book

By getting enough sleep, you’ll see significant improvements to your concentration, cognition, and attentiveness. Your friends, kids, co-workers, and spouse will definitely appreciate this new you!

Getting more than 6 hours of sleep helps maintain cognitive function and reduces the tendency toward distractions. Tasks will seem easier, and you’ll likely get way more done than ever before.

Hit the Hay

Alarm clock on night table at bed

The benefits of getting more than 6 hours of sleep are endless. Our minds are works in progress, and mysterious magic is happening while they’re resting at night.

You could just wake up feeling more creative, intelligent, and stronger, all by going to bed just a little earlier each night. Embracing a full night’s sleep is perhaps one of the easiest and most beneficial adjustments you can make for a healthier, happier life.

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