Today, there is constant talk about racial differences within this country, and controversy over whether concepts like “white privilege” or “white culture” truly exist. Martin Luther King Jr. and many others were advocates for racial equality, but sadly, there is still a noticeable division among races. Part of the blame is from the unconscious, often subtle advantages white people might not realize they have.
We are years removed from the Jim Crow Era, but there are still disparities among races that exist in our culture. Some matters of race are obvious, while others are hidden below the surface. Here are 13 subtle advantages white people might not realize they have.
1. Most Representation in Media

While efforts have been made for more representation in movies, commercials, and TV shows, the scales are tipped more toward whiteness. According to a study published by Forbes, 72.5% of people who appeared in TV and digital video ads in 2022.
2. Hair and Beauty Standards

A majority of shampoos, conditioners, makeup, and other beauty products are geared toward white hair and skin. Only a small amount of products on shelves are for darker skin tones, and these don’t get nearly as many advertising dollars.
3. Cultural Normalcy

To understand this point, it’s best to look at a quote by beloved author Toni Morrison. “In this country, American means white. Everybody else has to hyphenate.” Even if it’s on a subconscious level, the customs, traditions, and languages of white people are often seen as the standard or norm.
4. Part of Political Leadership

There have been 46 Presidents of the United States since George Washington’s inauguration in 1789. Since then, only one president has been any other color but white. White men in particular still make up the majority of political leaders, though there have been efforts to improve the representation.
5. Ease of Mobility

Unfortunately, members of any other race are treated as “others” if they move into a new neighborhood, especially one that is affluent and mostly white. Traveling and moving through different neighborhoods or countries is often easier for white people, with fewer instances of racial profiling or suspicion.
6. Classic Books

Schools are still reading The Catcher in the Rye, The Great Gatsby, and Of Mice and Men. The characters in these novels are white, a reflection of the time in which they were written. Even in To Kill a Mockingbird, the protagonists are white, advocating for the minor black characters.
7. Neutral Accent Perception

In many English-speaking countries, a “neutral accent” is often considered to be a white accent. You’ll even hear some people say darker-skinned people are “talking like a white person” if they use this inflection when they speak.
8. Lack of Suspicion

Unfortunately, judgments are made about people based solely on how they look, no matter what skin color. Tattoos, “strange” hair colors, and certain clothes can also get you unfairly profiled. However, for the most part, white people can enter a store and walk around freely with less suspicion than those from other cultures.
9. Generally Unaware of Race

Race is central to the identity of many people. One of the most subtle advantages white people have is they can wake up and not think about their skin color. They experience less stress related to their race, which can affect mental and physical health over time.
10. Skin Color Bias

In many societies, lighter skin is often unconsciously associated with positive attributes. There is even an entire industry dedicated to the idea of skin bleaching. While tanning is popular among certain groups, it’s lighter skin that tends to be viewed more favorably.
11. Safety in Advocacy

Of course, many white people believe in racial equality and embrace living in a diverse culture. However, there are even subtle differences in how safely they can advocate for this equality.
12. Normalized Skin Color

People don’t often think about it, but there are subtle ways that “white” has become “normal” in society. For instance, the apricot crayon is the one most frequently used for skin color. Band-Aids are a lighter-colored flesh tone. These things may seem minor, but they shift the culture in one racial direction.
13. Freedom to Make Mistakes

While this is never 100% the case, white men have the freedom to make mistakes at work or in life without being judged as harshly. Usually, they can bounce back from their error and still be viewed favorably by their colleagues and others in their social circle.
Pay Attention to Subtleties

Not every white person in this country is living a luxurious life, but there are certain advantages they have they may not realize. People of all skin colors have unique struggles in their daily lives, but the point of this article is to highlight the small ways our culture has been shaped by white influence. Understanding these subtleties is crucial for addressing systemic inequalities as a whole.
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Alyssa Serio has been a writer and editor since graduating from Aurora University in 2014. In her free time, she loves reading, playing volleyball, and watching any horror movie (even the bad ones) with her husband.