Girl speaking with colleagues

15 Unprofessional Work Behaviors You Should Never Break at a Corporate Event

Girl speaking with colleagues

Whether it’s a conference, a formal dinner, or a casual networking event, there are certain unprofessional work behaviors you should never break at corporate events. Being in control of your behavior is crucial to maintaining professionalism. Here are 15 unprofessional taboos you should never break at a corporate event.

1. Overindulging in Alcohol

Group people with champagne dancing at the party

Open bar? Score! While it’s exciting to have access to all that free booze, don’t go overboard. Overindulging can lead to unprofessional behavior; sometimes behavior you’ll be embarrassed about the next day. It’s essential to stay within your limits to maintain your professionalism.

2. Using Inappropriate Language

Talking outside of the office

Avoid using offensive language, slurs, or overly casual slang when you’re speaking with colleagues at a corporate event. Speak like you would at the office, even if you’re technically off the clock.

3. Engaging in Gossip or Slander

Women gossiping at a party

Gossip is always an unprofessional way to conduct business. Do not speak negatively about colleagues, competitors, or other companies. This not only reflects poorly on your character but also on your company’s.

4. Dressing Inappropriately

Woman sitting suggestively on a chair

Each event has its dress code, so to avoid unprofessionalism, adhere to every rule. Underdressing makes you look like you’re not taking the event seriously, while overdressing can be uncomfortable and make you stand out for all the wrong reasons.

5. Being Glued to Your Phone

Business man using his smartphone

Some people use their phone as a crutch. However, if you want to avoid being unprofessional, then put your phone down at the event. Constantly checking your phone is impolite and suggests that you are not fully present or interested.

6. Ignoring Social Cues

Business woman and man having a conversation by a railing

You may be rambling when someone has somewhere else they want to go. To avoid this faux pas, pay attention to the body language and verbal cues of others.

7. Not Respecting Personal Space

Business man touching the shoulder of a business woman

Did you ever see the episode of Seinfeld about the close talker? You don’t want to be that guy! Maintain a professional distance when interacting with others. Invading someone’s personal space can make people uncomfortable.

8. Bringing Up Controversial Topics

People at a business meeting

In any social setting, certain topics are always taboo. Avoid discussions about politics, religion, personal finances, or hot-button issues. You may make people feel awkward or uncomfortable if you bring them up.

9. Interrupting Others

Business conversation

Some unprofessional work behaviors are bad habits that you need to break in general. For instance, do you always wait for your turn to speak or interrupt others? If so, you may be coming across as disrespectful.

10. Neglecting to Introduce Others

Business meeting

It’s always awkward when you’re standing around waiting to be introduced. If you’re in a conversation and someone joins, make sure to introduce everyone. This shows respect and helps to include everyone in the discussion.

11. Ignoring the Agenda

Business people looking at a tablet

Now’s not the time to be a rebel. Stick to the schedule, and don’t show up late. Ignoring the agenda can disrupt the flow of the event and show a lack of respect for the organizers and other participants.

12. Not Participating

Business meeting

If the event includes interactive sessions or discussions, being a passive observer can reflect a lack of engagement. Ask questions, pitch ideas, and speak with others in attendance.

13. Being Too Aggressive in Networking

Aggressive networking

You never want to come on too strong. While networking is often a key component of corporate events, there is a fine line between being assertive and being aggressive.

14. Leaving Messes Behind

Messy desk

Maybe there is a concession stand or food truck at the corporate event. Enjoy the snacks, but don’t leave behind your garbage on the tables. Cleaning up after yourself is a sign of respect for both the venue and the next users.

15. Forgetting to Follow Up

Woman sitting at her desk

If you’ve promised to contact someone after the event, make sure to follow through. Not doing so can make you seem unprofessional, and frankly, bad at your job.

Be Professional

Men at a business dinner doing cheers with wine glasses

Corporate events can be pivotal for professional development and networking. Plus, they’re often fun! By avoiding these unprofessional behaviors, you’ll be getting the most out of the opportunity.

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