4 Ideas for Upgrading Your Home This Spring

Spring is an amazing season for different things, including making home updates. If you feel like you need to improve your home but you aren’t quite sure where to start, read on. Outlined are four of the best ideas for upgrading your home in spring. You’ll be happy to have a beautiful and functional home come next season when you put these tips to use.

1. Revamp Your Yard

If you feel like your yard can feel better than it currently does, spring is the right season to do something about this. There are many things that you can do to improve your yard, including cleaning it up and adding fertilizer to give your yard a healthy boost. Keep in mind that nearly 90% of homeowners believe that maintaining their yard is important, with two out of three people who own a backyard saying that they’d hire a professional tree service. If you want to increase your comfort while spending time outdoors this season, you should ensure that your yard is in a welcoming state to start with.

2. Upgrade Your Windows or Window Treatments

Another beneficial update for your home in spring is to upgrade your window treatments or even the windows themselves. This is a great upgrade to think of doing if you haven’t improved the windows of your home since you moved into it. Doing this can help you not only be more comfortable while at home, but it can also help you save a considerable amount of energy. This is backed by the fact that window treatment can improve the 25% of annual heating and cooling expenses that result from having old windows.

3. Clean and Repair Your Roof

Don’t forget to take care of your home’s roof in spring. That’s because it may have a lot of dirt and debris from the previous seasons, which weighs it down unnecessarily. If your roof is old enough to replace, you can also benefit from replacing it in the spring. It will be faster and easier to work on your roof this season. If you do need to replace it, keep in mind that one of the best roofing materials to get is stone-coated steel roofing. This is because it’s fully recyclable and has Class 4 hail impact resistance as well as a Class A fire rating. It’s also remarkably lightweight at a mere 1.4 lbs per sq ft. Shop around to see if you can get a good deal for it and have it installed by a professional for the best outcome.

4. Paint Your Home

Finally, you can paint your home in spring if you feel like it can use some freshening up. It will dry a lot faster and you won’t have to worry about keeping things outside while you paint, since they won’t be outdoors for a long time anyway. The best thing is that you can even paint your home yourself if you’re up to the task. It will be a great project to bond over with some handy friends or members of your family. Pick a calm and neutral shade that you’ll enjoy looking at for a long time to come. This will save you from having to redo the paint in a short time when the attraction to loud, trendy colors dies down.

Use these four ideas to give your home an upgrade that you and your family will love in spring. When you do, you’ll have taken commendable steps toward making your home more of a sanctuary. It will be more valuable and you’ll benefit from the improvements whether you keep living there for years to come or put it up for sale.