4 Ways Getting Your Flu Vaccine Can Actually Save You Money

Flu season is right around the corner, and if you haven’t had your flu vaccine yet, now may be the right time to get it. The flu can not only impact your health but it can also cost you a surprising amount of money. That said, here’s how getting your vaccine this flu season can actually help you stick to your budget.

1. Reduces the Risk of Hospitalization

The flu vaccine provides approximately 40% to 60% reduction in flu risk if the shot is well matched to circulating viruses like types A, B, C, and D. The vaccine introduces inactive strains of the flu virus in the body’s immune system, stimulating it to produce antibodies to fight them. This reduces the risk of getting sick if the flu shot is well-matched. While there is still a chance of getting sick, the symptoms will likely be mild and may resolve without medical treatment. This can be especially beneficial depending on your medical insurance because you won’t have to worry about hefty fees for hospitalization or having to pay a co-pay for your doctor’s office or urgent care center.

2. Avoid Having to Call in Sick

Typically, flu symptoms start showing two to four days after exposure to the virus and may last for seven or more days. While the Fair Labor Standards Act enacted a 40-hour workweek 85 years ago, not all companies have sick leave. That means, if you end up getting sick with the flu, you could end up having to take an unpaid week off from work. By getting your flu vaccine, you can reduce the risk of unplanned time off and protect your paycheck.

3. Avoid Subscription FOMO

When you have the flu, you’re not just missing out on work. You’re also missing out on the subscriptions that you pay for. For instance, a gym membership costs about $58 a month. When you’re sick, you’ll most likely be out of commission for a week, and it isn’t recommended to begin working out again until a few days after your fever has broken. Even then, you may still want to take it slow since the flu can cause muscle aches that won’t go over great on the machines. When you get the flu vaccine, you can rest assured that you’re getting the most out of your money.

4. Keep Your Kids Healthy

When you get your flu vaccine, you not only face a lower risk of getting the flu but you also reduce the risk of passing the flu on to your kids. For parents of younger kids, having to call in sick for yourself and then again because you need to take care of your little ones can wreak havoc on your paycheck. Your flu vaccine can help to protect you and your family from unexpected illness, so you can have peace of mind.

The flu vaccine is a simple way to reduce your risk of getting sick and your risk of experiencing severe symptoms in case you do become sick. To keep yourself and your family healthy while protecting your budget this fall, make sure to get your vaccine this flu season.