8 Things to Do Instead of Drinking Alcohol

Many people avoid drinking alcohol for a number of reasons. They may be taking medication, choosing a healthier lifestyle, starting a journey of recovery, or participating in Sober October. Others may be taking the night off to be a designated driver for their group. About 55% of drunk drivers who have caused fatal crashes had a blood alcohol level of at least .15, so being a designated driver is an admirable role to take on. The good news is, if you’re abstaining from alcohol, is that there’s a ton of activities you can choose from instead. Below we’ll explore some of the most useful.

1. Make Mocktails

For some, it’s being able to sip from a fancy glass, for others, it’s the need to fit in, while others just want something tasty and refreshing. Creating mocktails can meet all these needs, plus, it’s a fun activity. Mocktails can be as simple as a virgin Piña colada or as exotic as a non-alcoholic lemongrass lychee martini. Regardless of the ingredients, preparing a good mocktail can help take your mind off alcohol.

2. Play A Game

Whether it’s a board game with friends or an online game on your own, they are a great alternative to drinking alcohol. It keeps your hands and mind busy, and can be a good way to relieve stress and anxiety.

3. Stock Up On Non-Alcoholic Beverages

Having a stockpile of various soft drinks on hand, at home, can help quell cravings, and knowing that you have options is always helpful. Having flavored seltzer and sparkling water on hand is another good (and healthier) alternative.

4. Read A Book

Settling in under a warm blanket with a good book can be one of the most relaxing activities you can do. Getting caught up in the drama and escapades of interesting characters can transport you to another place where you’re not missing alcohol, or anything else.

5. Exercise

Whether it’s a brisk walk, a dance class, or a trip to the gym, few things are better than exercise when you’ve decided not to drink. Aside from helping to improve your overall health, it releases those natural ‘feel good’ chemicals called dopamine and endorphins. Exercise will help reduce stress and anxiety while helping you engage in a productive activity.

6. Cook or Bake

If you’re looking for a fun activity to replace a night of drinking alcohol, find a new recipe to try out, or better yet, create your own. Focusing on creating a dish can be a fun and rewarding process. The best part is, you’ll end up with something delicious to munch on.

7. Make Tea

Consider treating yourself to an infusion teapot, that takes loose tea leaves and turns an ordinary cup of tea into a delicious cup of calm and relaxation. You can customize the tea by adding a variety of sweeteners (honey, agave, cinnamon) and fresh fruit like lemon, orange, and even melon.

8. Spend Time With Your Kids

Last, but certainly not least, spending time with your children is a great way to bond and forget about any importance alcohol may have had in your life. According to Legal Jobs, most parental custody cases are settled outside a courtroom. In fact, over 90% are decided without the presence of a judge. So if you are currently in that situation, it’s important to make sure your kids know how much they mean to you.

The law considers a blood alcohol level of .08 to be legally intoxicated and unable to operate a motor vehicle.  If you’ve found that this is a consistent problem for you, it may be time to consider giving up drinking. Giving up drinking alcohol can be difficult for some people. It can cause awkward social situations, anxiety, feelings of isolation, and even boredom. Finding good alternatives to alcohol and activities to help cope, are the keys to success. Whether you’re looking to stop alcohol consumption for the short term, or long run, we hope you found these tips useful.