Cat on the house wall looking at camera

13 Reasons Why Some People Prefer Cats Over Dogs

Cat on the house wall looking at camera

The age-old debate between choosing cats or dogs continues to be strong for animal lovers around the world.  Some people swear that dogs are superior pets, while other people prefer cats over dogs. It really depends on who you ask!

For those who prefer cats over dogs, their preference usually comes down to their lifestyle and personality. Cats are known for their elegance, mysterious demeanors, and low-maintenance. Here are 13 reasons why some people might prefer the company of cats over dogs.

1. Independence

Young bengal cat lying on couch

Cats are famously independent. They can entertain themselves for hours and don’t require constant attention. This is perfect for busy people who appreciate having personal space. Because cats have autonomy, their owners can go about their day or travel for a weekend without worrying too much about their pets.

2. Less Space Needed

Beautiful little tabby kitten on window sill

Do you have limited room in your home? You may prefer cats since they generally require less space than dogs. No need for a giant lawn for cats to run around. Their exercise needs are met by simply prowling and playing indoors.

3. Quieter

Cat sleeping

Peace and quiet are commodities in today’s busy world. Some people prefer cats over dogs because they’re usually calmer and quieter.

Cats don’t bark, and their meows are typically easy to ignore. If you live in an apartment with thin walls or have a newborn that needs sleep, then a cat may be the ideal companion.

4. Lower Maintenance Costs

Cat on examination table of veterinarian clinic with two pet doc

When it comes to pets, cats are the more fiscally responsible choice. According to ASPCA insurance, the initial costs for owning a cat are around $365 at most veterinary offices.

Compared to dogs, cats are less likely to need frequent visits to the vet and are generally healthier pets over their lifetime. They require fewer vaccinations and routine health check-ups than dogs, which can mean less financial strain on their owners.

5. Self-Cleaning

Orange cat laying in sink

Cats are meticulous groomers and spend a significant portion of their day cleaning themselves. This self-grooming means owners don’t have to bathe them as regularly as they would if they were caring for a dog.

Ultimately, this saves you a ton of time, money, and energy down the road. You can mostly leave the cat to their own cleaning.

6. Less Training Required

Cat sitting outside on garden wall

There are many essential commands a dog must learn to be well-behaved. On top of potty training, owning a dog can be a lot of work for owners.

Compare that to cats who usually come litter-trained from a shelter or breeder and require minimal training afterward. They instinctively bury their waste and often learn household rules more quickly than dogs.

7. Pest Control

Cat looking at dead mouse

If you can’t afford to hire an exterminator, then owning a cat is the next best thing! Cats are natural hunters and can help keep your home free from mice, bugs, and other pests.

The presence of a cat alone can deter vermin from invading the sanctuary of your home. This is a practical benefit to owning a cat that goes beyond companionship.

8. Longer Lifespans

White cat walking around outside in sunlight

Are you looking for a furry friend who will be with the family forever? Cats generally live longer than dogs, sticking around for anywhere from 15 to 20 years.

Indoor cats are especially resilient since they’re less exposed to accidents or fights. A longer lifespan means a longer time to enjoy the special love you get from a pet.

9. Soothing Purr

hand petting purring cat

Surprisingly, one of the reasons people cats over dogs is because of their purring. The sound of a cat purring is soothing and may even have therapeutic benefits.

The vibrations are thought to lower stress, help reduce blood pressure, and even promote healing in human bones and muscles. You may be on the road to recovery if you get a lovable cat as a support animal.

10. Elegance and Grace

Black and white cat walking on windowsill

Dogs can be lovable goofballs who make a mess and get into hijinks. Think of Marley in the movie Marley & Me.

Cats, on the other hand, are often perceived as being more elegant and graceful Their movements are precise and often seem calculated, which can be fascinating to watch.

11. Allergen Reduction

Woman making kissy face at her white cat

Contrary to popular belief, cats can sometimes be better for allergy sufferers than dogs. Certain breeds, such as the Siberian or the Balinese, are known to produce less Fel D1, a protein produced in cat saliva that causes allergic reactions in some people.

Talk to your doctor about owning a cat before you welcome one into your home. You can also visit a friend’s house who owns a cat to see how you handle it.

12. Compatibility With Busy Lifestyles

Cute American shorthair cat

For people with demanding jobs or a busy lifestyle, cats are ideal pets over dogs. They are content being alone for longer periods, so you’re free to go shopping, hit the gym, or work late hours without worrying.

The litter box is inside, which means you don’t have to make periodic stops to let your cat out during the day. These independent pets also don’t require walks multiple times a day if you’re not feeling like exercising.

13. Emotional Connection

Man talking to and petting his cat

Many people feel a strong emotional connection to cats. Because cats are mysterious and reserved, their owners want to do anything they can to try to understand what’s going on in their furry heads.

The bond can feel more rewarding because it must be earned. Cats often choose when and how affection will be shared, which can make their attention feel more special.

Choosing Cats Over Dogs

Cat lying on the ground

For people who prefer cats over dogs, these pets bring joy and mystery to their lives. Cats offer a unique mix of companionship, ease of care, and tranquility.

Whether you get a brand new kitten or adopt a cat with a few years under their belt, there are many reasons why cats can be beneficial over dogs. Ultimately, the choice depends on your lifestyle, personality, preferences, and how much time and energy you have to dedicate to your furry friend.

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