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Small Investments Any Business Should Make to Encourage Sales

Everyone knows the adage that you have to spend money to make money, but when your retail store is losing money, the last thing you want to do is spend more money. The issue is that without spending a little money right away, you could be missing out on some huge revenue. There are a few small investments you can make to encourage sales and recoup your money in a short period of time. Here are just a few of the great ideas you can start using right now to engage more and sell to your enthusiastic customers.

Get Out from Behind the Counter

Customers love it when you’re on the floor offering to help or trying to speed up their shopping experience. The problem many retail store owners encounter is someone needs to be behind the counter ringing people up. In fact, there are new portable, wireless scanners that tie in with an iPad POS system which allow your sales team to be on the floor rather than stuck behind the counter. You can set up the sales floor as a large display rather than one where your customers pick out the items they want. According to Small Business Chronicle, as soon as you scan the barcode with the portable scanner, it will be entered into the system. Once this happens, the item can be pulled and bagged in the back. Everything is handled as the customer is picking out items. This not only makes it more convenient for the customer to walk around without being hindered by their selections. It also makes it possible for your customers to buy more. They will not concentrate on how many items they’re holding in their hands. Rather, they’re going to concentrate on the next item they want.

Manage Your Inventory Better

The POS system that’s tied to your barcode scanner that can be purchased by ecommerce solution provider like Shopify is a necessary tool whether you want to use the barcode scanner or not. You receive so many benefits from the POS system that Business Know How likens it to flying blind in an airplane with no controls if you’re absent of one. Since the iPad you have is a perfect outlet for you to install POS software, you can simply install the software and you’re on your way. Consider how you’re going to use the software. It’s perfect for managing your inventory, because all you have to do is input it all into the system and set it so every time you make a sale, it will draw from the inventory. As you start to develop a sales history, you can plan for slow or busy periods. You’ll never again have to turn customers away from buying what they want because you weren’t prepared for the rush you get every year.

Utilize Displays to Spark Conversations

Displays are a very important part of any successful business. If you take the time to purchase and set up displays which highlight your products, your customers will pay more attention to them. Make sure the display includes information about the product as well as some examples in which the customer can utilize the product in their life to solve a problem. Additionally, sales associates can show customers the product displays to foster sales, according to Transworld Business. Your display should include everything from color photos to graphics and even content centered on the product and its many uses. Remember to think about your customers and what they enjoy. If you know your customers, this should be an easy exercise. Don’t go overboard with your displays though. Setting up too many displays tends to detract from their power, because it is an assault on the senses.

Utilize iPads as Advertising Platforms

Everyone loves to interact with an iPad, or any other tablet for that matter. There’s something thoroughly engaging about being able to touch a screen and look up information. Best of all, the iPad provides the perfect environment to create an interactive environment. With technology being focused on as one of the biggest trends in retail, according to Marketing Week, it’s important to utilize it wherever you can. Rather than investing in major technological displays, you can purchase a few iPads and set them in holders which prevent users from hitting the home button. Set up software on the iPad to show all of your products or just to highlight the ones in front of the user. They can learn all about the products in a fun and entertaining way. Your customers are sure to tell all their friends about how cool it is to shop at your store as a result.

1 thought on “Small Investments Any Business Should Make to Encourage Sales”

  1. The Wallet Doctor

    I’ve seen a lot of businesses making use of ipads. I’ve never seen anyone be turned off by it, and I can see how its helping these companies. Its worth looking into for sure!

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