Today is Independence Day. 235 years ago, The United States of America declared independence from Great Brittan. Today, America is the greatest country in the world (sorry my Canadian friends, it’s true).
The founding fathers of America were really an incredible group of individuals. Instead of grasping for as much power as they could attain, they created a government that empowers individuals and states to decide what is best for them. They laid the foundation for a free market, capitalist society that protected the free world in the 20th century and is leading the world as we proceed deeper into the 21st century.
If you listen to the media, they will try to tell you that America is no longer the world’s superpower. That’s a bunch of bullshitake.
Our GDP almost three times bigger than the next largest economy. In fact, America alone has a larger economy than the next four biggest economies combined. We aren’t just the most important and powerful country in the world; it isn’t even close.
Sometimes when I get really excited, I just scream, “AMERICA!”

I am incredibly lucky to be a citizen of this fine country. I’ll be spending my 4th reading up on our founding fathers and getting to know them a little better. When we encounter a period of economic and political turmoil such as today, I think our first reaction should be to look back at the founding fathers and try to understand what they would do.
If you are feeling as patriotic as I am, then you may want pick up Revolutionary Characters: What Made the Founding Fathers Different. It’s a phenomenal book that helps you understand the world of the late 1700’s and gives you an even greater appreciation for what those men accomplished. I highly recommend it, especially for some 4th of July reading by the pool.
Enjoy your holiday weekend and God Bless America.
Kevin McKee is an entrepreneur, IT guru, and personal finance leader. In addition to his writing, Kevin is the head of IT at Buildingstars, Co-Founder of Padmission, and organizer of Laravel STL. He is also the creator of When he’s not working, Kevin enjoys podcasting about movies and spending time with his wife and four children.
Happy Birthday America!!!
Greatest country on earth!
Happy 4th Kevin.
What is up with the media? Whenever there aren’t any real controversies to report on, they are trying to manufacture them. I can’t even stand to watch the news anymore. It’s almost like a bad reality show. Luckily, PBS still has real news.
I have no idea. I don’t like the media at all. I hope, as we move into the future, we can stop relying so much on the old media where some fat cat executive decides what is important, and start getting our news from more independent sources.
Happy Fourth of July to you. I felt encouraged by this post.
Don’t let the mainstream media fool you. You are living in the best country in the world!
It’s a shame that the foundation that was laid has been continuously eroded.
No habeas corpus, PATRIOT Act, wars all around the world, and anti-growth policies that have been in store since the 1970s.
This country is great, don’t get me wrong, but we could be doing a lot better.