Enter Thousandaire Giveaway

Thousandaire is Giving Away 225 Bucks!

A few weeks ago, I made my readers a promise. If you will tolerate a little bit of advertising, I will pay you back by giving away at least 50% of the profit I make on this site through the end of this year.

I’m here to make good on my promise.

I brought in just under $450 in net profit last month, so today I’m giving away 225 buckaroos.

I prefer to award the prize in the form of an Amazon gift card because I love Amazon and it’s really easy to send the money that way. I only need your email address and not a physical mailing address. Let’s be honest, do you really want me to know where you live? I didn’t think so.

Amazon gift card is the default prize method, but I will let the winner decide how they would like the money. You can have a Best Buy gift card, or a Toys R Us gift card, or a Hooters gift card. I don’t really care as long as I can send it to your email and you don’t mind paying any of the fees that might be associated with the gift cards (I know for a fact there are no fees on Amazon cards).

To be eligible to win, you must be subscribed to my newsletter. Note, this is not my RSS feed, this is my NEWSLETTER.

Subscribe to the Monthly-ish Thousandaire Newsletter

If you aren’t subscribed already, just enter your email address in the top right of my sidebar and hit “Subscribe”. The newsletter is a new feature (I actually haven’t sent one out yet) and I would really appreciate your subscription to get me started off.

I will use the newsletter to update you on important things like new music videos, reminders of these awesome giveaways, and anything else I think my best fans want to read about. Newsletters will come sporadically, but definitely no more than once every 2-4 weeks. Don’t worry; I’m not going to be assaulting your inbox with daily emails once you sign up, and you can cancel your subscription at any time if you want to make me cry.

The other huge benefit of being a newsletter subscriber is that you will be automatically entered in each of the remaining giveaways this year. You can increase your chances of winning giveaways by doing some other stuff (see below), but you’ll definitely be entered in every giveaway this year as long as you remain an email subscriber.

Enter Thousandaire Giveaway

How to Win – The Fine Print

Here are all the ways to enter into this giveaway.

  • 1 Entry – Be a Newsletter Subscriber (required)
  • 1 Entry – Follow me on Twitter
  • 3 Entries – Tweet the following (copy and paste): @kevin_is_money is giving away $225 CASH MONEY on August 14th to Thousandaire subscribers. Enter Here: http://bit.ly/ovfnKr
  • 1 Entry – Like me on Facebook
  • 3 Entries – Post the following Facebook status (copy and paste): [type “@Thousandaire” so it points to my page] is giving away $225 CASH MONEY on August 14th to Thousandaire subscribers. Enter Here: http://bit.ly/ovfnKr
  • Max of 9 entries per newsletter subscriber

IMPORTANT EDIT: For the facebook status updates, you have to type “@Thousandaire” to make sure it points to my page. If you do it right, a little box will pop up before you finish typing and you can select it. Some people have told me they already posted a status update and I haven’t seen it show up on the Thousandaire FB page. If it doesn’t point to my page, I can’t verify you did the update and I can’t count your entries.

Remember, you must be a newsletter subscriber to win! (I hope I’ve made that abundantly clear) If you do any of the twitter or facebook stuff but you aren’t a newsletter subscriber, you won’t be entered into the contest. Also, you have to like me on Facebook first before you do the Facebook status post, or the @Thousandaire won’t point to my page and I won’t know you did it.

If you are just a newsletter subscriber and you won’t be entering via Twitter or Facebook, you don’t need to comment or anything. You are already entered. However, if you do any of the Twitter or Facebook entries, post a comment below with your Twitter name and/or Facebook name and I will add those entries to your Newsletter entry. Just make sure to provide your email (will not be published) in that comment, and make sure it is the same email that you used for your Newsletter Subscription.

On August 14th at 9pm Eastern, I will cut off all entries. At that point, I will take my email subscriber list, add any additional Twitter or Facebook entries, and do a random drawing with www.random.org to determine the winner. I will even post a little vlog of the random number generation for the sake of total transparency. I will announce the winner on or after Monday, August 15th and contact that person to determine their preferred method of payment.

That’s it. Now get subscribed to the newsletter and then start tweeting and facebooking to increase your chances to win! Thanks for reading and I can’t wait to give away $225 to one of my readers!

66 thoughts on “Thousandaire is Giving Away 225 Bucks!”

  1. Posted your giveaway on my FB wall:


    FB name: Mike M

    mtdoonmeister at gmail dot com

  2. Jeanette Jackson

    +1 Newsletter subscriber
    +1 I follow on Twitter-jlindahlj
    +3 http://twitter.com/#!/jlindahlj/status/102839726213574656
    +1 I like you on Facebook
    +3 I shared on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=146835642068551&id=737306467

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