Home Theater PC Rap

Finally! A New Personal Finance Music Video

I’ve been a bad boy.

I kicked the website off strong last fall with “Haven’t Made a Budget”, and then followed soon after with “For When I Retire”, but I haven’t made a financial song since last November. What the heck am I thinking?!

I’ve actually been working on a few things, but they aren’t going as quickly as I’d like. I needed a little bit of motivation to really get things done, and I found that motivation in the Get Rich Slowly Video Contest! GRS is having a contest for the best personal finance tip (as well as personal finance success story, which I didn’t enter). I love contests, so I put together a little video of how I have completely eliminated cable television out of my budget.

Home Theater PC RapThe video explains the basics of how I can watch everything I’d ever want on my TV in high definition without having to shell out hundreds of dollars a year for cable. I will post a full blog entry next week on this same topic where I describe, in detail, exactly how to implement this strategy. But that’s next week; today is music video day!

The grand prize for winning this contest is $500. If I do bring home the bacon, I want you to know that all $500 will be given right back to you, my readers, in the form of one or multiple giveaways! (I’ll figure out exactly how to give away prizes if and when I actually win something).

The winner will be chosen by JD Roth, owner of Get Rich Slowly, but views and “likes” will be taken into consideration, so I really appreciate you watching, liking, and favoriting the video! Finally, I realize that it’s been so long since I came out with my first songs, that any new readers probably haven’t seen them, so I’ll embed those videos as well! And as always, MP3 versions of any song I write are available free on my downloads page.

So without further adieu, I give you… my Rap Debut…

The Fresh Prince of Eliminating Your Cable Bill

Haven’t Made a Budget

For When I Retire

24 thoughts on “Finally! A New Personal Finance Music Video”

    1. Thanks Jacob. I need to do these more often. I have more songs written, I just need to focus on making the videos!

    1. Haha, I went to Plato’s Closet to find 80’s clothes. Those are actually board shorts. And the shirt was obviously too small, but it was the only bright colored shirt I could find.

  1. loved the videos especially ‘When I Retire’… you are the man!!! It’s almost 1am where I am but i’m all awake and smiley now .. who would have thought – just three music videos can do such wonders?? Pls keep this up – definitely talented!

    1. Thanks B Kelly. I definitely plan to have more of these out in the next few months. Now you better get back to coaching that ND football team! 🙂

  2. How funny. Great videos. I showed my kids today and they where laughing at the videos. I told them to make some videos about kids saving and I would put them on my blog. Well see if they take me up on it.

    Can’t wait for the next one!


    1. That’d be great if your kids made something. Kid videos have a tendency to go viral!

    1. I wish. If anyone is dumb enough to pay me to do that stuff, there’s a contact link at the top of my website. 🙂

    1. Thanks Sam. There’s no voting on this one, but the judge does say that views on YouTube count, so the more people that watch it, the better

  3. Jenny @ exconsumer

    That video is awesome! Funny and smart. Now I’m embarrassed about my last minute video entry to the GRS contest.

    1. There’s no reason to be embarrassed! I watched your video and you tell a good story. I’m only good at dressing up like a dummy and making a fool of myself! 🙂

  4. Sounded great! Watch out Will Smith!

    I agree with B. Kelly “For When I retire” is one of my favorites!

    1. Yeah, that one definitely has the best personal finance lesson. I hope to do more that have more directly applicable lessons.

  5. Kevin,

    This was pretty damn hot. Well, at least for us personal finance geeks. haha. Smell you later. I’ll be sure to share.

  6. awesome videos! i saw the HTPC rap from the Get Rich Slowly blog. I was wondering where you bought the antenna and HTPC and if they were easy to install. Thanks!

    1. The antenna plugs right into the TV, and you can buy it from Best Buy or any other local electronics store. You can also order from Amazon. I bought my HTPC from Fry’s Electronics, but again you can use Best Buy or Amazon. It’s as simple to set up as any other computer you’ve ever used. The usage is no different from a regular computer. It’s just using your HDTV as the monitor for your computer. In fact, if you have a nice laptop, you don’t even need to buy a new HTPC, you can probably just plug in your laptop and enjoy!

  7. Original! Fresh! and Refreshing! I’ve been cable free all my life, I don’t think I’ve missed much. But hurray for Hulu, TV when you want it in the order you want it.

  8. I love your videos! So creative. I am a high school math teacher and will definitely show these to my students, who if they can be convinced about saving when they are young will be singing when they retire! Too many of the boomers I know have not prepared for retirement. I am always shocked to learn that so many are still carrying mortgages, lines of credit, and debt on their credit cards. Teaching financial literacy is as important as teaching any lifeskill. Thanks again!

  9. After College Money

    haha, these videos are VERY funny. I enjoyed all three of them! Who knew a love story could revolve around personal finance and a budget?

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