Giveaways Galore!

If you missed it yesterday, I am giving away a $25 Amazon gift card (for Amazon the website, not the jungle). If you haven’t entered yet, make sure to check it out because WHO DOESN’T LOVE FREE STUFF!?!?

I do kinda feel bad about not being able to give everyone a prize though. Hopefully down the road if my blog grows enough, I can get some sponsors to hook my readers up with a few more prizes. Until then, you’re stuff with whatever money I can scrounge out of my piggy bank.

Since I can’t give everyone something, I’m hoping maybe some of my blogger friends can pick up my slack. There are a few other opportunities in the personal finance blog community to win stuff. Some of the prizes are small gift cards, and one of them is a free iPad!

Seriously. You can win an iPad. I would usually joke about something like this, so I understand your skepticism, but this is fo’ realz yo! So I hope you find some of these contests and websites interesting, and I really hope you win!


Warren Buffett with Kevin McKee

Legit Ways to Get Free Money  @ U.S. News and World Report

This article provides great ideas to get free money money. You could join a focus group, give blood, answer questionnaires online, and do many things to get quick cash quickly. Anyway, if you’re into investing, this is a great site to add to your RSS feed.

10 Free Gifts Card Given Away Biweekly @ BuySellVouchers

You have to register, but every second Monday this site gives away gift cards for sites like Netflix, Roblox, Steam, Valorant, Nintendo, and more.

$50 Visa Gift Card @ ohcrapimbroke

This site is actually new to me so I’ll have to check out some other posts, but you can win $50 if you post a review of your favorite personal finance book. Then there are going to be celebrity judges (either the ones from American Idol or other bloggers, I can’t remember) and they’ll pick the best review.

H&R Block at Home Tax Software @ Sweating the Big Stuff

If you don’t want to pay to have your taxes done, check out Daniel’s contest to win one of six free copies of HR Block tax software. He’s giving away like $300 worth of stuff there! Even though he gets more people to agree with him in our debates, he’s still a good guy.

Don’t forget to enter my contest, and give a few of these a shot as well to maximize your chances of winning something. Have a great weekend folks!

2 thoughts on “Giveaways Galore!”

  1. Jonathan @ CentsToShare

    So can I be the default winner this month, since I inspired you to start a giveaway? 🙂 jk.

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