
12 thoughts on “Graphic Design is Expensive!”

  1. The simplest, nicest looking logos are really freaking hard to make! I really enjoyed my design paper/s but don’t have the creative flair – I would’ve loved to have gone into graphic design.

  2. What about finding someone on Craigslist? They did a decent job on mine and I had a friend draw my little nest egg.

    Then, another blogger offered to put the finishing touches on it and suddenly I became very happy with it. It cost me $30 for the whole thing and I couldn’ tbe happier.

  3. I can’t help you with a logo, but can give you some logo inspiration! Look at Northwest Airlines logo – has both letters N and W *and* points north west! Very creative!

  4. My BFS header was done by Mrs. Money at Ultimate Money Blog for $35.

    My Crystal Clear Thoughts and Dogs Life For Me headers were actually gifts from Ninja at Punch Debt in the Face and I know he was mentioning starting a little side job to do it for hobby income. I bet he’d be reasonable as well.

    I also know a few Yakezie members build logos/headers for $60-$100 depending on what you need.

    I’ve found that you can get great deals in the blogging world by simply asking around. 🙂

    1. That sounds like a great avenue. I may have to ask Ninja. I like his logo and I’d be interesting in seeing what he came up with.

  5. I need good logo as well. Keep us updated. Maybe visit some graphic design classes and see what the students can come up with?

    1. Another good idea. There might be students willing to do it very cheap! I’ll have to explore this if I don’t find something else

  6. Jonathan @ CentsToShare

    Yea I know what you mean, I enjoy my logo, but it’s too small. My wife actually made mine. Maybe I’ll ask her about expanding it to full width.

  7. I’d be happy to workshop something for ya, I’ve done half a dozen designs and love it. I’d do it for a living if I was to start over.

    (I designed my site, for example)

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