JD Roth

Hello Get Rich Slowly Readers!

Today, I had the privilege and honor of JD Roth over at Get Rich Slowly posting a review of my videos and my site. First of all, I have to send a big thank you to JD, the Godfather of personal finance blogging!

If you are a GRS reader and this is your first time here, or if you are just a newer reader who hasn’t read some older posts, I have put together some of my more popular and interesting posts. If you want to browse through the site, I recommend you start with a few of these.

I want to give fair warning; I tend to go on streaks. For example, in April, I was on a personal finance kick so almost everything I wrote as PF related. At the moment, I’m on an economics/political kick so I’m writing a lot about that. You may not be interested in all of it, but I hope you’re at least interested in some of it! The reason I post anything political is because politics do impact your personal finances. Every dollar you pay in taxes is a dollar you could have used to pay down debt or invest, which is why I believe politics are an important topic when dealing with personal finance.

Now, I want to start with my most educational, and in my opinion, 2nd best video (after Haven’t Made a Budget)

What is a Roth IRA

Personal Finance:

Obviously I focus on personal finance. My theory is that people don’t need dry information like “stop eating out and pay more towards your debt” because that’s been written about 7,389 times on other sites. I try to give my personal, slightly different perspective on personal finance.

My Personal Finance Background

A Weird Short Story

Worst $4 I’ve Ever Spent – To do something different, I told a personal story (slightly embellished in certain areas) about a bad purchase. Hope you enjoy something a little unique.

Thank You!

Thanks for checking out my site! If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe, follow me on twitter, or add your email to my bi-weekly-ish newsletter in the right sidebar at the top of the page. Thanks again!

9 thoughts on “Hello Get Rich Slowly Readers!”

  1. I have never heard of your site until I found it on GRS. It is now in my favorites list! Keep up the good work and quality postings!

  2. Congrats on being featured on GRS. I actually saw it earlier today and was certainly impressed. I have been reading both your blog and GRS already so it was kind of cool to see the review.

  3. JD has us all coming over to see you. I’m not a 20-something, but I’ll take all the financial advice (and entertainment) I can get.

  4. Love the music videos. Great.

    If you made a “What is a Roth IRA” video as a music video, with rhymes & rap,
    you would blast your YouTube views count into outer space.
    Go for it!

  5. Very helpful. I’m trying to find ways on how to budget my money. I’m having a hard time to distribute my salary for the bills, food, gas, rent etc.

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