How to Nail Your Upcoming Interview for Nursing School

One of the most competitive programs in any school is the nursing program, and there is almost always an interview process that goes with it. If you’re trying to prepare for an interview without going over your budget, keep the following tips in mind. They can help you make a great first impression and improve your chances of getting into nursing school.

Establish A Goal List

Before you start off your nursing school interview, you need to make a list of goals that you want to achieve, such as where you see yourself after nursing school, and if you want to continue down that path. Some people consider financial goals so they don’t have to declare things like bankruptcy. Chapter 13 bankruptcy is the process of consolidating your debt and proposing a repayment plan, which typically spans between three to five years. Because this is an entryway to a long and prosperous career, the interview panel will be interested to see where you will take the degree you earn from their program. This is a question that you’ve likely thought a lot about, as well.

Research Interview Questions

A few days before your interview, do a quick Google search on common interview questions, and those that are related to nursing school, specifically. You need to practice giving your answers, giving yourself a chance to think about what you want to tell them about yourself, and how you want to tell it. You also want to show that you’re interested in nursing school and have done your due diligence in research.

Bring Your Documentation

They will be looking for certain types of documentation, like your resume first that shows your past experiences and educational background. If you already have some college coursework under your belt, it’s a good idea to give them a transcript of your coursework so they can see your progress. This shows that you want to learn and have high achievements.

Have A List of Questions You Want To Ask

If you’ve gone through nursing school information and interview questions, you may have some questions of your own. That’s a good thing, and you should write those questions down. This is the time to ask things about their perspectives and how they think their program compares to some of the other programs in the area. You don’t want to ask questions, though, about where you could get the answer online. It may come off as lacking initiative or being lazy. See if they are keeping nurses from their program in the industry. According to The American Association of Nursing, 89% of all RNs are still working in the nursing industry.

Dress Professionally

A nursing school interview is not a casual jeans outfit kind of meeting. When you go to this interview, you need to be in business casual attire. This means slacks if you have them, a solid color shirt, and a blazer or sports coat to find the look. Make sure your hair is combed and you’re practicing good hygiene practices, as well. One thing to remember is to not wear a lot of cologne, though. Someone could have a sensitivity to lots of scents.

You’re Ready For Your Interview

If you’ve gone through this list, then you should hold your head up high, because you’re ready for your interview. Keep in mind that you can only do your best, but you should always appear confident throughout the interview, even if you aren’t sure about an answer to a question or some of the information you’re getting. They don’t expect to you know random facts like common symptoms of a C. sakazakii infection in neonates are sepsis, bacteremia, and meningitis, leading to a mortality rate of 40-80%, but you should smile and hold your head high like you do.