How to Plan a Beautiful Funeral without Overspending

Losing someone you love is one of the toughest experiences one could ever go through. Handling the emotional turmoil of this event alone might be a challenge in itself, but when you also have to plan the funeral, things might get overly complicated.

In times like those, it can be difficult to think straight and care about the material things anymore. Perhaps that is why emotional overspending is a common problem that people face. Reports show that a funeral costs on average $11.000, which can feel like an exaggerated price if you look at it objectively. But, no matter how you feel about the expenses, always think about what the deceased would have preferred in the first place.

1. Get At Least Three Different Offers

 In the spur of the moment, you might be tempted to go for the first funeral home that you come across. However, if you don’t want to overspend, then choose a funeral home whose services and costs best meet your needs. That may take a bit of research.

Luckily, you can use platforms such as Parting to check different offers. Or you can contact a few funeral homes in your proximity and negotiate a good price. That way, you can ensure that you’re not making a hasty decision.

2. Decide What You Care About Most

You need to gain clarity on your priorities. Which aspects of the funeral are the most important to you? Is it the coffin and vault? Is it a stylish wake? Do you care most about the headstone?

Consider your preferences when looking for the services of a funeral home. But, keep in mind that these options might involve trade-offs. You could end up paying more for additional services, such as casket or urn delivery. You could invest the money saved up from the casket in beautiful flower arrangements.

3. Decide on Providers for Each

Once you’ve picked a funeral home and you’ve prioritized, it’s time to decide what to get and from whom. The decision to work with a funeral home doesn’t have to mean that you must accept a full package service. It’s your call if you want to buy certain elements from someone else.

4. Get Involved – As Much as You Feel To

When it comes to funerals, there are two main approaches – you could either let the funeral home handle everything and make decisions for you, or you could get involved. The first option comes, of course, with higher costs and a little degree of personalization for the departure of your dear one.

The second option is not only more budget-friendly, but it also brings more meaning. The degree of involvement could either, for instance, go through the first three steps mentioned before, or you could take it one step further with a Do-It-Yourself or DIY funeral.

5. Make It Personal

Think of the funeral as separating from someone at an airport gate. Think of all the things you’d like to tell them before or details of their lives you’d like to remember. Maybe hold the memorial at home (it comes with a cost-saving and emotional benefit). Ask for guests to bring only flowers, as a way of showing appreciation or ask local florists to prepare special arrangements. Every small element should be a way of showing your appreciation for that person, one last time.

Saying goodbye to someone you love should be a moment with a deep significance. However, no exorbitant amount of money can give you the closure you need. Closure comes by saying goodbye in a beautiful, meaningful way, which is not necessarily outrageously expensive.

For sure, when they leave, our dear ones don’t intend to drag us in debt because of their funeral. That is why managing expenses rationally could be just another way of showing responsibility and respect to the persons we love and lost.