Recently I have decided to diversify my investments by opening an account with Lending Club where I’m currently getting over a 13% return on my investments.
I live in Texas so I’m not legally allowed to originate loans. The only way I can use Lending Club is to buy loans that other people don’t want. This is obviously frustrating and I’ll be contacting my congressmen to try to get the law changed, but there is a silver lining in every raincloud.
I actually think buying other people’s loans is better than originating them myself.
Existing Loans Have a Payment History
When you originate a loan, you give $20 to a complete stranger based on his credit score, a few financial stats, and a few paragraphs about his plans for the money. That sounds scary to me.

When you buy an existing loan, you get one more vital piece of information: payment history.
When I’m looking for a safe place to invest my money, I filter the loans on “Never Late” and remaining payments of 30 at most. All loans have either a 36 or 60 month term, which means this filter will show loans where the borrower has made at least six payments on time.
Six or more on time payments gives me good reason to believe that person is going to keep making payments. Sure, you have to pay a markup of about 1-3% (meaning you’d pay $20.60 for a $20 loan at a 3% markup) which will decrease your return, but I think it’s worth it to know your borrower has a solid payment history.
Do Additional Research on the Loan and the Borrower
Once you’ve found a loan where the borrower has made at least 6 on-time payments, it’s time to look at the details. The most important things to look for are the credit score, the loan purpose, and then whatever additional criteria you want to add.
Loan Purpose: Credit Card Refinancing / Loan Consolidation
If you take a look at the Lending Club Statistics, you’ll see that “Credit Card Pay Off” has the highest return of any Loan Purpose at over 10% (as of 6/25/2012). I like funding credit card payoff loans because it tells me the borrower understands personal finance well enough to know that a loan at 15% is better than a balance on a credit card at 24%. These people are taking out loans to SAVE money.
Compare that to someone who wants money for a business that might fail, a wedding that they obviously didn’t save up for ahead of time, or a vacation they can’t afford. These people are taking out loans to SPEND money, and I stay away from these loans at all costs. It doesn’t mean they are necessarily bad; it just means I don’t like them and historically they have had lower rates of return than credit card payoffs.
Credit Score Change: Down a Little is OK
Most of the “Never Late” loans for sale on FOLIOfn are there because a decrease in the borrower’s credit score has spooked the original lender. Sometimes a person’s credit score goes down from 780+ to 750-779. I love these loans because the person still has amazing credit. It might have dropped because they applied for a new credit card to get a sweet sign-up bonus or something. No worries here.
The problem comes when they go from the 714-749 range to 600-619 range. That shows a serious change in the person’s credit and I’d stay away from that entirely. You have to set your own threshold, but if they’ve dropped more than 60 points in their credit score since origination, I avoid the loan.
Additional Criteria: Do Your Research
So far you should be here:
- A “Never Late” loan with at least 6 months of payment history
- A Markup of 3% or less
- A credit card payoff or debt consolidation loan purpose
- Credit score drop of no more than about 60 points from loan origination
Once you get this far the loans are pretty good, but you still want to get rid of the bad apples. The best way to do this is to use this great tool at Nickel Steamroller that allows you to filter Lending Club loans based on different criteria. A combination of this tool and some common sense goes a long way.
One of my rules is that I don’t lend to people from California. I think their economy is terrible and I don’t trust anyone in that state to keep their job. You might think I’m generalizing, but using the data you see that total ROI goes up from 6.90% to 7.03% when you take out California borrowers.
Another good rule is to exclude anyone whose employment length is n/a, < 1 year, or 1 year. By making sure your borrower has had a job for at least two years, you increase ROI from 6.90% to 7.17%.
Come up with some criteria in your head that you want and then use the tool to check and make sure your hypothesis was correct. Sometimes you might be wrong. For example, I thought excluding loans from Michigan would improve the ROI and it actually dropped the ROI by 0.01%. Apparently Michigan borrowers are about as good as any other borrowers despite the bad economy up there.
If Someone Misses a Payment, Don’t Panic
Even after you’ve done all your research and picked the right loans, there’s a good chance someone might miss a payment. I suggest you don’t freak out and sell the loan for 50% of what it’s worth thinking you’ll never see another dime.
The fact is that 84% of loans that fall into the grace period are recovered, and 77% of loans that have a payment 16-30 days late are recovered according to Lending Club Statistics. Lending Club will be calling and emailing these people frequently to get them on a payment plan, so I like to ride it out and hope those people get back on track.
Trading Notes in Lending Club Can Make You Money
As always it is important to remember that you can lose money when you invest. It’s also important to own your decisions; I am happy to give you my suggestions but it’s your money and you are responsible for any gains or losses you realize.
If you think you want to give Lending Club a shot, you can sign up here.
Kevin McKee is an entrepreneur, IT guru, and personal finance leader. In addition to his writing, Kevin is the head of IT at Buildingstars, Co-Founder of Padmission, and organizer of Laravel STL. He is also the creator of When he’s not working, Kevin enjoys podcasting about movies and spending time with his wife and four children.
I am really glad you wrote this post. I also live in a state where I cannot originate loans so I had kind of stopped looking at lending club. This post gives me a starting point to think about jumping in with some of my “mad money.”
Thank you again for this write up
For some reason I feel these sites are too risky for me. Do they require a lot of paperwork when you file your tax return?
Filing your taxes is not a trivial exercise depending on how many notes you have it can take an hour or two. It is always best to invest in Lending Club or Prosper through an IRA if at all possible but if you can’t do that you will have to pay taxes on your earnings. I have written a tax guide for p2p investors here:
I happen to own a corporation which was formed in Nevada. Since I have a Nevada address (my registered agent), I can originate loans on Lending Club and Prosper (another peer-2-peer lending organization). That might be a bit more expense than you want to go through, but it’s probably feasible to just get a mail forwarding address in just about any state.
But, as you pointed out, there might be some advantages in buying aged loans.
Thanks for this post! I think I am ready to jump in now 🙂 (of course I will sign up under you)
This is a really interesting article. As I am in Canada, I cannot invest with Lending Club, although I’m sure there may be Canadian alternatives.
I’m just wondering how long you have been investing with Lending Club and if you can give us some actual financial figures about your returns.
Great post. And one that everyone who can only invest on the secondary market should read. I would also add that you should check out the blog Lending Club Experience – Marc is another secondary market investor and he has written a great Google Chrome extension to assist investors here. You can check it out here:
You mention Nickel Steamroller and that is a great resource and investors should also check out for analyzing the Lending Club and Prosper loan history.
I hope you publish future posts so we can see how your investing is going.
Peter, thanks for the mention.
“If Someone Misses a Payment, Don’t Panic”
I believe you are referring to the information Lending Club provides ( However, if you note the footnote: “How to read these graphs: of the loans in Grace Period in April 2011, 84% were partially or fully recovered by October 2011.”
So you may get a fraction of the Note. While I wouldn’t sell it at 50%, I would sell it at 70% to 80% of full price. However, I’ve found a way to avoid most of the Grace Period notes altogether and sell them on the secondary market before they hit Grace Period.
I am just wondering is it possible for you to team up with someone resident in state which allows purchasing new notes. For example, you select the new loans, other person buys the notes, as soon as notes are issued, he turns around lists the notes on foliofn for original value plus his transaction cost. You buy the note on foliofn and pay transaction cost. Considering lending club and web bank do same thing, I think it is a feasible strategy for people living in states that don’t allow buying new notes.
Is selling/buying less desirable loans a good profitable strategy?