I Can’t Work Three Jobs

I have some bad news, some very bad news, and some good news.

I’m on a business trip right now. I left Monday after work and have been working, traveling, training, and doing all kinds of stuff that makes it very hard to update this website. That’s the bad news.

When I arrived at the airport on Monday, I parked my car in long term parking. Then I took a shuttle to the terminal, got my boarding pass, got in line for security and realized I lost my keys. That’s the really bad news.

I am 100% certain I lost my keys in a time frame of about 15 minutes, and I can’t find them. Hopefully they will turn up at the airport lost and found. If they aren’t there tomorrow, I’m going to have to replace keys to my new apartment (which will cost about $60) and a key for my car (which will cost a lot of money because it’s a new fancy electronic key).

The good news is I don’t have to pay for food all week because my company is paying for all my meals. I guess there’s a silver lining in everything.

I Can’t Do 3 Jobs

I am pretty good at working my day job during the day and working my website at night. I’m really terrible at going to training during the day, working my day job at night, and finding time to update my website.

Unfortunately that means I won’t be updating this site until next week. I know I’ve been going on vacation and now I’m on a work trip and I’m leaving my wonderful readers hanging, but I also know you guys are awesome and you’ll understand.

Oh, and I’m moving into a new apartment over the weekend which will make me even more busy.

So please feel free to give me a hard time when I’m not updating the site as much as I should, but also understand that I’m thinking about you. Always. (creepy)

Thanks guys!

10 thoughts on “I Can’t Work Three Jobs”

  1. Good luck with the move. We will be waiting for you to get back to a point to where you can update your blog again.

  2. I’m not going to give you a hard time, I understand how busy one can be and keeping up with a blog takes time. Gotta get your other stuff done first. Have fun moving!

  3. Lance@MoneyLife&More

    I don’t blame you if you need the break. I would work on preparing some posts in advance for next time this pops up though. I’m trying to get ahead though and can appreciate how hard it is.

  4. Sorry to hear about your keys. As far as working 3 jobs, I hope that is only for a season, because that would be tough to do forever.

  5. Crystal @ Real Estate Grasshopper

    Good luck on your next week! We all need to take a break from blogging sometimes. 🙂

  6. WELL!! Try working full time for the Board of Elections, taking 7 credit hours of college classes, being social media coordinator for the county government, having two kids AND being an Air Force Reservist….THEN come talk to me about having three jobs.

  7. Too bad about the lost keys, hopefully it turns up. Wow, talk about busy! Guess I can’t complain this week. Safe travels!

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