demetrius the dog

I Saved a Dog!

Last night my girlfriend Tag and I went to get frozen yogurt. I love froyo but was somewhat disappointed last night because they didn’t have Fruity Pebbles. Seriously, a froyo without Fruity Pebbles is like Lady Gaga without a lobster on her face.

Anyway, as we were leaving the froyo shop, Tag spotted a dog running alongside a pretty busy road. “Awww, he looks lost! We should go back and help him!” Tag cried. Chasing down a random dog wasn’t really in my plans for last evening, but I couldn’t just leave a black lab running around on a busy street to get run over.

I turned around to try to find him and literally almost ran him over as he decided to cross the busy street. I made a quick U-turn and followed him into a neighborhood.

After a few minutes of chasing him down, Tag ended up catching him. Now the real question: what do you do with him?

He had a collar, but there was no number for the owner. It just had a phone number for the vet where he had his rabies shot. I called and they were obviously closed at 9:30pm, so I had two options: either let the dog keep wandering the streets and hope he found his family before getting smashed underneath a moving vehicle, or take him home to my apartment.

And before I tell you my decision, let me tell you a little more about the dog. It was a pretty normal sized black lab. He was definitely a boy, and definitely was not neutered. I’ve never seen such huge balls on a dog. And he stunk. Holy crap did he smell. It’s like he took a crap, and then peed it in, and then barfed in it, and then rolled around in it for a few hours.

He was also a sweet little guy. He definitely wasn’t trained very well (he didn’t even seem to know “sit”), but it was pretty easy to see that he would never harm a fly. Just a sweet, dumb little guy.

So, into the back seat of my car he went.

I took him home. We nicknamed him Demetrius, because you can’t have a dog without a name.

Not being a dog owner, I had to improvise. When we needed to take him outside, I didn’t have a leash so I used the strap from my gym bag. I didn’t have a dog bowl to give him water so I filled up my favorite hamburger helper stove-top pan. I don’t have dog food so I let him eat some Multi Grain Cheerios out of the palm of my hand.

Overall, I think Demetrius had a good night. Much better than he would have had on the streets, that’s for sure.

In the morning, Tag took me to the airport (because I’m headed to Chicago for the Financial Blogger Conference!) with Demetrius in the backseat. After she dropped me off, she took Demetrius to the animal hospital where he got his rabies shot and they said they would contact the owners.

And that’s it. We never even found out Demetrius’ real name. He has probably been reunited with his family. I’m just imagining some little boy who was up all night crying, thinking he would never see his best friend again, only to get the best phone call of his young life this morning, all thanks to me and Tag.

So next time you see a dog that looks lost, you might want to help him find his family. Even though my apartment now smells like urinevomitfeces and I hardly slept at all wondering what kind of damage this strange dog might be doing to my apartment, it was worth it!

demetrius the dog
He wouldn’t stay still, so this is the best picture I could get


13 thoughts on “I Saved a Dog!”

    1. Thanks. I feel good about it. I’m more concerned about the kid who lost his dog than the actual dog though. I’m always on team people. 🙂

  1. Paula @

    Awww, what a great story! I’m glad you saved the dog.

    Also — you’re in Chicago already??

  2. Awww, that’s much better than the dog I saved at the dog park. Whoever had brought him had left him there, we guessed, since he was very agitated and trying to escape. Called the number on his collar. Turns out the owner was nearby, with a group of friends/family, and one of them had brought the dog to the dog park and then…. forgot him there?

  3. Thanks. I feel good about it ! You have a great story! I’m glad you saved the dog. Keep up the good work man !

  4. Wow, I totally did not get enough recognition in this story! You titled it “I Saved A Dog” and it should have been titled “We Saved A Dog.” Kind of disappointed young man. Also you didn’t even tell the part why I made you turn around so we could save him. I have lost two dogs in my life and would have loved for someone to have found them and returned them. Also as a side note, when I got “Demetris” into the vet he peed twice. Thank goodness he didn’t do that in the apartment!

  5. Fatima Hipolito

    “Hi kevs,
    Nice one your a hero.. everyone loves dogs sometime when I go out in my house I always seeing a dog walking and I think i must say to the dog pound so they can secure the dogs before they bite some people.”

  6. Cherleen @ The College Investor

    Good job! Small deed but great heroism… Thank you for saving the day! 🙂

  7. Briana @ 20 & Engaged

    How awesome Kevin, you do have a heart! LOL jk. It was great meeting you at FINCON 🙂

  8. Really enjoy your post dear Kevin McKee. You did a brave thing and really felt good about that night by saving the life of a dog. I also have a dog pet in my home. Very faithful animal.

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