
Please Keep Praying For My Mom

I want to thank everyone so much for praying for my mother as she fights her way through cancer.

Surgery removed most of her cancer, but there is still some left. She is recovering from her surgery now and is about to get started on chemotherapy to get rid of the rest of it. The doctors think she’s looking at about six months of chemotherapy to get rid of this disease. While that may not sound like great news to some of you, the thought of being cancer free after having stage three ovarian cancer is incredible.

With that being said, I truly believe that all the prayers people have been sending my Mom’s way have really made a difference. She fought so hard to recover quickly from the surgery and she’s still getting stronger, but she couldn’t have done it without all the support she’s getting from family, friends, and even a bunch of strangers asking God for some help. She will start chemotherapy soon and who knows how hard that will be on her.

The future looks like it could be bright, but it’s a long hard road to get there. My mom is strong but she’s gonna need all the help she can get.

Once again, thank you so much to everyone who has been keeping her in their thoughts and prayers, and please consider praying for her over the next few months as well.

I will continue to post updates periodically because so many of you have been asking. I really warms my heart to know that many of you have never met me or my mom, and yet you are concerned for her health. Thank you.

I Need to Take My Mom to Italy!

I thought I had written about this before but I’m not finding anything in my archives. For her birthday last year, I told my mom that I would be taking her to Italy in the summer of 2012. For Christmas, I got her a passport. We were all set to plan the vacation and then this happened.

It looks like she probably won’t be able to go this summer with all the chemotherapy she’ll be going through, be we are still going to make this trip happen eventually! Now we just need to get her healthy again so I can take my wonderful mother to Vatican City. Please keep those prayers coming! I know I’ve said it a lot, but once again, thank you!


8 thoughts on “Please Keep Praying For My Mom”

  1. I’ll definitely keep your mom in my thoughts, Kevin. Glad to hear even a little bit of good news, and I hope to hear even more soon.

  2. We are all praying for your mom Kev. She is such a strong and beautiful woman and I know she will fight this thing with all her power.

    She has inspired me to donate my hair to Locks of Love and I definitely want to encourage any other girls out there who have thought about donating their hair to go ahead and do it! It is for such a good cause and if it helps people like your mom then I am more than willing to have short hair for awhile 🙂

  3. Well Heeled Blog

    I will keep thinking good thoughts for you. I love my mom so much and it’s frightening how things can happen to the folks that we once thought were invincible when we were kids.

    1. Well said, Well Heeled, I know what you mean.

      Kevin, here’s hoping for all the best for your Mom.

  4. Thanks for keeping us posted… it sounds like so far she’s doing very well, considering the circumstances.

    She remains in our thoughts and prayers!

  5. I will keep you mother in my prayers. Remain strong for her as this will be a challenging time for her and you.
    Stay positive (I really believe in the power of positive thinking) and I truly hope that you will take your wonderful mother to Vatican City soon (if not this summer).

    All my best to your mother! 🙂

  6. Amber Johnson

    I believe that she will win the battle over cancer because with God on our side we will win every single time.

  7. Paula / Afford Anything

    I’m so sorry to hear about your mom’s cancer, Kevin, and I’m so relieved to hear that the surgery removed most of it, and there’s a chance she might become cancer-free! How amazing. I will keep you and your mom in my thoughts and prayers.

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