Ron Paul Needs to Be the Next U.S. President

Ron Paul needs to be the next President of the United States of America.

Wait… huh? What does this have to do with personal finance?

Did you lose money as a result of the housing bubble bursting? Or maybe you lost your job, or your house lost tens of thousands of dollars in value. Would you be better off financially today if you could have seen the recession of 2008 coming in way back in 2003? Of course you would.

Ron Paul predicted the housing bubble bursting five years before it happened, and quite simply your money is in serious danger unless Ron Paul is our next president.

So Ron Paul knows economics, but why else does he deserve to be president?

I’ll let our founding fathers tell you why.

“We must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. We must make our selection between economy and liberty or profusion and servitude.” – Samuel Adams

Washington D.C. has a spending problem. The deficit under President Obama is the highest it has ever been. Before him, it was the highest its ever been under Bush. Under both parties, the federal government has gotten used to spending well beyond its means, and the isn’t one other candidate with a real plan to cut spending.

Ron Paul has a plan to cut $1 trillion of spending in the first year. It would essentially bring us back to 2006 spending levels. Some people think cutting $1 trillion is outrageous and dangerous. I don’t think federal spending in 2006 was at dangerously low levels. Do you?

America is $15 trillion in debt. If you count unfunded liabilities (for example, all the Social Security and Medicare money we owe to our seniors), it’s closer to $75 trillion! Any honest person realizes that is completely unsustainable and needs to be fixed immediately.

If we don’t want the US economy to destroy itself and become like Greece or Italy, we have to cut spending. Ron Paul is the only person running for president who has laid out a specific plan to dramatically cut spending and balance the federal budget within one presidential term.

“The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is, in extending our commercial relations to have with them as little political connection as possible.” – George Washington
“Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none.” – Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul believes in non-interventionism, just like Thomas Jefferson. He believes in diplomacy instead of bombing people and property in foreign countries. He believes in treating all countries as equals.

He does not believe in being the overprotective smothering parent of some countries that would be better off with their own sovereignty (Israel). He also doesn’t believe in being a bully who drops bombs and invades any country that has a nasty dictator and oil reserves.

Extremists in the Middle East do not hate America because of our freedom or our lifestyle. We’ve been free for centuries, so why haven’t they tried to attack us before?

Furthermore, Switzerland has been free for centuries and is a much more convenient target. Why don’t the terrorists attack them instead of the US? Maybe it’s because Switzerland hasn’t put soldiers on their holy land and dropped bombs on their neighbors’ homes.

Ron Paul believes that if we need to go to war to protect ourselves against an imminent threat to America, it should be declared by Congress, we should fight it to win, and we should come back home. He believes in a very strong DEFENSE, while at the same time a significantly reduced MILITARY.

Some people call his foreign policy “radical”. Sorry, but I don’t live in a world where the policy of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson is more radical than losing thousands of American soldiers and killing hundreds of thousands of Iraqi’s in an unnecessary, undeclared war.

Ron Paul wants to bring our troops home from everywhere (not just Iraq and Afghanistan) so we can protect our own borders and get out of other people’s business so they don’t have any reason to hate us. He’s the only candidate running today with a Jeffersonian, non-interventionist, common sense foreign policy.

“A private central bank issuing the public currency is a greater menace to the liberties of the people than a standing army.” – Thomas Jefferson

How is it even possible for us to engage our military in never-ending wars, spend trillions of dollars on entitlements, and have the federal government involved in almost every aspect of our lives? The only way America can afford all those things is to print the money to do it.

Ron Paul understands that a private central bank enables massive government spending, inflates the money supply, makes us all poorer, and destroys the foundation of our economy. A business exists to create profit. How then can you trust a private business to print money? It makes absolutely no sense.

We need sound money for our economy to thrive, and that can only happen when the Federal Reserve turns off the printing press. Sorry folks, but I don’t trust private bankers (or politicians for that matter) to “do the right thing” when they literally have the ability to print money at their discretion. Money needs to be backed by physical assets such as gold and silver again, and Ron Paul will get us there.

Help Ron Paul Win!

If you believe in the principles of our founders and the principles of a free market, I strongly encourage you do to a little research on Ron Paul.

If you like what you read, there are a lot of things you can do to help Ron Paul win the Republican nomination and restore liberty to America.

Ron Paul is in a great position to win the Iowa caucuses and potentially take first or second in the New Hampshire primary. If he can do this, he has a real shot of winning the nomination and fixing America. Please do whatever you can to bring real change to Washington D.C.

23 thoughts on “Ron Paul Needs to Be the Next U.S. President”

  1. You will find this article of considerable interest:

    I think however that Paul has little chance to be nominated, and since I think more highly of Obama than most do, it is not a problem for me that the GOP nomination is likely a toss-up between Newt and Mitt. Unless of course either of these disasters wins the general election.

    1. As far as I’m concerned, Gingrich would be just as bad as Obama. Romney would be a tiny bit better than Obama, but still terrible. Ron Paul is the only one who would bring change to Washington.

  2. The only man who breaks the mold.


    * New Wars
    * Trillion-dollar health care expansion (Medicare Part D)
    * Erosion of civil liberties from the PATRIOT Act.


    * New Wars – Libya, more bombings in Pakistan.
    * Trillion-dollar health care expansion (Obamacare)
    * Erosion of civil liberties (extended the PATRIOT Act against a campaign promise.) Will sign the new NDAA into law.

    Since Bush and Obama are one in the same (with the exception of race and political affiliation) people are waking up to the reality that politicians rarely stick to their word. Ron Paul’s consistent message for 30+ years is just one of many reasons he gets my vote.

    Many people disagree with Ron Paul, and everyone has the right to disagree with him, but it should be said that the ONLY reason one can disagree with him is because they know, with certainty, where he stands on the issues. Since every other politician is a liar and panderer who breaks his/her promises, I simply cannot vote for any other candidate.

    Ron Paul is, above all else, the most honest man in all of government.

  3. Ron Paul doesn’t need to President. We need Ron Paul to be President. If only it could actually happen.

    There are a few things about Ron Paul I definitely do not like, but I think he is the best available choice to lead the country. I also think he has the chance of a snowflake in Hell. I seriously doubt that a single government employee will vote for him. Union members, illegal immigrants, and graveyard residents, many of whom will vote more than once, will also be voting for Obama. That’s over half of the vote right there.

    “Why don’t the terrorists attack [Switzerland] instead of the US?”

    In addition to the reason you gave, there are some other, more important reasons: 1) Every male between the age of 18 and 65 is required by law to keep and maintain a semiautomatic rifle in his home. 2) Every citizen over 18 has the right to carry a firearm, concealed, or unconcealed, pretty much anywhere, unless convicted of a crime with a penalty that includes loss of that right (and gun crime in Switzerland is so rare that every such incident instantly makes the international news). 3) Immigration is tightly controlled (you can’t just move there, have kids, and take over), which means that Switzerland will be the last non-Muslim country in Europe within the next 30 years.

      1. I wouldn’t mind moving to Switzerland myself. However, as a non-citizen, you can’t carry a gun. Citizenship is possible to get, but generally you have to buy it. Last I checked, you could get Swiss citizenship for $50,000, but that was some time ago.

  4. I agree with some of what he says, but not all. Smaller government and less interference is great His world view is very hands off and that can be dangerous. He does not have a chance so it may not matter.

      1. Winning Iowa doesn’t guarantee winning the general election. Plus, he isn’t ‘winning’ but just leading in the polls. The poll that actually counts is still several days away, and the RINOs in 2nd and 3rd place both have very powerful political machines. I sure wish something would happen to prevent either Mr. Hypocrisy or Mr. Magic Underwear from being the GOP nominee, but I’m not holding my breath.

  5. I had to quit watching the video half way through, the guitar was so annoying. I’ll read up more on Ron Paul. Some of my friends really like him, but he is far behind the leaders right now so I’m with Krantcents.

    1. Like I told Krantcents, he’s winning Iowa right now. He not only has a chance, but a darn good one.


    He’s a not-too-shabby investor as well. Made a bundle (on paper) with gold and other resource stocks.

    I wonder how the major media will manage to continue to ignore him after his Iowa win. Today’s Atlanta Journal-Constitution has a major article covering the latest debate. Surprisingly, it featured a photo of Ron Paul alongside Romney and Gingrich. The body of the article was more true-to-form: single-digiters like Bachmann and Huntsman each received as much or more column-inches than Paul.

    1. Unfortunately he’ll need to win Iowa and New Hampshire to be considered legit by the mainstream media. If he wins one state they will just call it a fluke.

    1. He is anti-abortion, but he is also government telling you that you cannot have an abortion. He will not let the federal government stop you from your right to choose! 🙂

  7. Very well written article:) It would be a very dark time for our country if a bigot and warmonger such as Newt Gingrich is elected president. Ron Paul 2012!

  8. Paula @ Afford Anything

    I haven’t paid attention to him, since it looks like he doesn’t have a good shot. But its fascinating to see how there’s always a new “flavor of the week” — no clear frontrunner.

    1. FYI, he’s leading the polls in Iowa now. He has a much better shot than the media is giving him credit for. You should take a look. 🙂

  9. Kevin, you are in DFW, right? Are you part of any of the Ron Paul Meetups? I am more on the Tarrant County side but I know Dallas does stuff all the time too! Not that you aren’t already busy with this awesome blog, but this Friday we are going to have a sign wave in Ft Worth…great way to get some free entertainment! (that is my personal finance plug)

    1. I have not done any of the Ron Paul meetups, unless you consider Tag and I talking about how badly we want him to win a “meetup”. 🙂

      It does sound like fun, but I’ll be at the Opera House watching Les Miserables this Friday. Maybe I’ll get involved with some of those meetups after Ron Paul wins Iowa! Have fun!

  10. I have a friend who keeps banging on about how great Ron Paul is and how I should look him up to see what he says and what his policies are all about.
    “Well I have looked him up Mick, and an not impressed with his attitude towards Israel but hey on the plus side he is anti-abortion. Still what the heck mate – you live in Essex, England it’s not like your gonna vote for the guy”

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