Simple Ways to Ensure Your Industrial Building Meets Its Codes and Standards

There are a lot of things to consider when you are constructing, managing, and operating an industrial building. Most people stay focused on the finances and how much is being spent. Finance is always important, but so is ensuring that your industrial building meets codes and standards. Here are some tips to help you do so.

Invest in Predictive Maintenance

Sometimes to protect the building’s, finance, and shore up savings, you have to invest. Investing in predictive maintenance is an easy way to stay up to code while realizing a nice ROI on your investment. It is estimated that investing in predictive maintenance can reduce overall maintenance costs by up to 30% in an industrial setting.

Time is money. Saving time means saving money. Preventive maintenance can reduce downtime by about 45%. Additionally, according to the Department of Energy, investing in predictive maintenance can reduce breakdowns by about 70%.

Keeping equipment and the facility in top condition will not only protect your finances but will also help to keep the facility in compliance with codes. Predictive maintenance is an easy step to take that delivers a wide range of benefits.

Manage Means of Egress Well

One of the most often cited code violations is not managing means of egress the right way. Exit doors, entryways, and other egress areas should always be clear of debris and obstacles. The fact is that it is these seemingly innocuous violations that really will hit you right in the pocket. Finances and code violations do not mix well.

Keep doors clear, have exits well lit, and ensure that you are following the code requirements closely when it comes to the amount of egress required, lighting requirements, signage, and more. It is a simple way to avoid some of the most common code violations.

Perform Detailed Safety Training

Safety in an industrial building is everyone’s problem. Every person that works in an industrial building should have in-depth safety training. Most industrial buildings have safety protocols and training programs to help reduce risk.

For example, reputable metal fabrication companies make it their business to hold regular safety training for employees and include it as part of their quality control. The training can include how to use personal protection equipment, like masks and other gear. You can customize a program to meet the needs of your organization and include it in your quality control program.

Fire Blocking Equipment

Another common area where industrial buildings get an F is with fire blocking. Fire blocking is essential to the safety of the building. Damaged fire blocking is an invitation for disaster and is absolutely one of the big no-no’s when it comes to code inspections.

Damaged flashing should be replaced immediately. Any gaps that emerge should also be addressed immediately. Seals should be inspected frequently. Gaps can act as a chimney for fire to spread. Regular maintenance should be carried out to address these issues.

Reconsider Your Workflow Design

Proper workflow design not only keeps you in code but also helps to keep your finance flowing as well. Proper workflow design can increase productivity, speed up production, and reduce overall risk. The United States is the third-largest manufacturer globally, and the competition is stiff. Workflow design is attributed to helping manufacturers muscle out the competition and promote success.

With a little effort, you can make your industrial building a safer place to be for employees, easily pass inspections, and give your finances a boost. Learn more about the ways you can invest in your building to keep it up to code, reduce downtime, and keep the work flowing.