I’m gonna keep this quick. I fail at things sometimes. Or, recently, lots of times.
Remember my mail-in rebate from the other day? I mailed it in on time except I FORGOT TO STAMP THE ENVELOPE! This is how infrequently I mail letters; I forgot they need stamps. Now I’m pretty sure it’s being mailed too late and I’ll get nothing. Stupid Kevin!
I also went out to eat not once but TWICE yesterday because apparently I forgot responsible spending is a good thing. Stupid, Fat Kevin!
Finally, I spent $12 trying to make a gingerbread house that would win a competition at work. Here is the picture from the box:
And here is what I made:

Notice the lack of decoration on the front, the big glob of icing leaking out of the apex of the roof, and the ornaments falling off the tree. There’s only one prize at work, so unless I’m the only entry, I’m toast! To be honest, I was shocked that it was still standing when I woke up this morning. Stupid, Fat, Non-Artistic Kevin!
So I had a lot of failure yesterday. I actually think all of this stuff is really funny, so don’t get all worried about me being depressed. I love to laugh at myself. With that being said: Do you ever have one of those days where you can’t seem to do anything right?
P.S. “Stupid, Fat Kevin” is actually a term of endearment for me. I’ll have to tell you the story another day, but it’s a nickname I hold onto dearly.
Kevin McKee is an entrepreneur, IT guru, and personal finance leader. In addition to his writing, Kevin is the head of IT at Buildingstars, Co-Founder of Padmission, and organizer of Laravel STL. He is also the creator of www.contributetoopensource.com. When he’s not working, Kevin enjoys podcasting about movies and spending time with his wife and four children.
Oh, and I’m wearing mismatching socks because I’ve been too lazy to do laundry for a while. You can add “Lazy” to my list of adjectives.
Kevin you’re a complete and total success at making me laugh enough to nearly bring a tear to my eye. 🙂
And yes, that’s the saddest looking ginger bread house that I’ve ever seen!
Love the house! We had a pimp my desk contest at work and one person made a gingerbread house just like that. Then we all tucked in and demolished it quick smart. (Actually, there are still smoe uneaten walls sitting on a plate in the kitchen.)
reminds me of when I sent off a letter to the boy when he was at army camp. I forgot to stamp it, but they let it through anyway and he got it!
Hahaha! I can totally see myself sending out an envelop with no stamp. Good thing the Mrs. is in charge of sending envelops. 🙂
HAHAHA! That gingerbread house is pathetic and 100% better than anything I could do, lol. Thanks for the laugh!
I might’ve sent an envelope to my bank this week with no check to deposit in it… Hopefully not though, since I don’t know where else the check could be!
Love the house. Don’t believe the picture on that box. Your house is lovely!