men at work

Thank You Working People!!!

In 1894, the federal government of the United States of America declared the first Monday of September a national holiday: Labor Day.

We celebrate Labor Day to thank all the hard working people who make America the biggest economy in the world and the best country in the universe. Or at least in the solar system.

The poor in this country are wealthier than a large majority of the population on this planet. Just ask the Global Rich List. And the reason we are so wealthy overall is because the American worker is such a freaking bad a$$.

Some people on TV and in our government pretend that you can stimulate “the economy” by printing money or redistributing wealth to people who don’t produce anything. In reality, the economy can only expand via an increase of real, valuable goods and services created and sold right here in America. At the end of the day, the economy the sum of what American workers can produce and the services they provide.

So to those of you who work your butts off every year to earn a living for you and your family, thank you! You aren’t just helping your family; you’re contributing to the prosperity of America.

Again, thank you laborers. I freaking love you guys. From the bottom of my heart.

Enjoy your well deserved day off.

men at work
photo credit: flickr.com/faceme/

8 thoughts on “Thank You Working People!!!”

    1. They have the day off too. Only thing is, they have tomorrow off. And the next day. And the day after…

  1. Isn’t Labor Day for everyone! Of course all the retail stores and many restaurants use today as an opportunity to make money off us. To me, it signals the end of summer and back to school. As a teacher, this is a reminder, I return to the classroom. I am actually looking forward to it.

    1. Sure it’s for everyone. The only thing is, the people without jobs don’t need a national holiday because they weren’t going to be working anyway!

    2. @ krantcents

      Hello there KrantCents – I was being somewhat tongue in cheek when I asked the question.

      I am intrigued by the specific naming of US public holidays eg ‘Labor Day’, ‘Thanksgiving’ etc.

      Good luck with the new academic year.


  2. well i think being a corporate slave counts as a labourer as well.. ;p but yes, i do appreciate the real guys doing things i take for granated in my life. a little bit like celebrating mothers’ day too i guess.. lol

  3. Its good that there still some people who can appreciate all the hard works of our laborers. They strive everyday to help their family and their country.

  4. Labor day has passed and I’m very thankful for our laborers. I’ve seen them enjoy the day and have some rest. I’m proud of you guys!

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