The RC Setup Guide

I hope you’ve had an office job where there’s this awesome IT dude that knows everything about fixing computers and Star Wars, because then you’ll understand what I’m doing in this video. This video can fix any problem you might ever have in getting the RC to work. The process is very simple:

  1. If you have Excel 2007 or Excel 2010, download the [download id=”5″] here and you’re done.
  2. If you don’t have those programs, a few fields won’t work in older excel versions. To get full functionality, you need to use Google Docs.
  3. Download [download id=”6″], and then upload it to your Google account (if you don’t have one, make one).

If you insist on using Excel 2003 or earlier, or Open Office, the “Age You Went Broke” and “You Screwed “The Man” out of” fields won’t work. If this is a problem for you, refer to steps 1-3 above.

If you started messing with the formulas (tsk tsk)  and things aren’t adding up correctly anymore, just re-download the file. Refer to steps 1-3 above.

Once you have it working on your computer, play around with the input fields and see what comes out. Also, you can check out my other videos. One is a Help Guide that explains what all the fields mean and what numbers might make sense for your situation. The other is an intro that gives you some real life examples and explains some principles that you may want to follow.