worst company in america

The Worst Company in America – Round One Recap

Have you ever seen someone else do something and instantly wished you had thought of it yourself?

That’s how I felt when I saw that Consumerist has been holding the Worst Company in America competition: an online competition where people vote on their least favorite company and the worst company in America wins the golden poo.

worst company in america

What could be better than a bunch of people getting together for about a month and complaining about the most egregious offenses committed in corporate America in the past year?

While I am upset I didn’t come up with the idea myself, at least I can play along and get in on some of the action. What is a March Madness tournament without a Sportscenter-like news report on each round? It’s a big pile of crap, that’s what.

So, I put my green screen and my new video making room to good use and made a little news report on the first round.

If you haven’t been following along with the series so far, I recommend you give the video a watch and then start following the action over at The Consumerist. Heck, you can even fill out a Sweet 16 bracket for this competition, since everyone knows you didn’t pick a single final four team in the basketball tourney.

There are tons of people at the consumerist that leave horror stories of bad companies, but those are all strangers to me. I want to hear some stories about the companies in this competition.

Who do you think is the worst company in America, and why?

5 thoughts on “The Worst Company in America – Round One Recap”

  1. GM. My Chevy Aveo is a truly sucky car and they didn’t even run a recall for a plastic thermostat housing! I mean, does it take a genius to know that metal may be a longer-term solution for something next to a searing hot engine?! Surprisingly, no recall on the plastic housing that splits in half after 2-3 years, but their replacement part is metal…a$$holes.

  2. Jon | Free Money Wisdom

    Haha, this is great. I have so much beef with quite a few American companies. Comcast has been getting on my nerves lately, arrrg.

  3. I’m going to say that the worst company in America is not even a company, it’s our government! If you think of them as a company, they really really suck – we pay them a whole hell of a lot of money to get very few actual services in return, and then they go spend it all on things like war that we have no say over whatsoever. I want a refund!! ;P

  4. This does not really mean that they are the worst company in America. Perhaps, they just had some problems which made their company inaccessible or ineffective to the community. They can still do something about it. Perhaps they can change their strategy into something better. In this way, theu will still be able to continue what they have started.

  5. There might be some companies who are shaking now but they are not actually called worst companies. Perhaps, they should be doing something to keep their company and there should really be a change in strategy if they want to improve their company. There may be lots of companies who are doing well because they know how to handle their business well.

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