On Friday I let you all in on my secret Thousandaire Goals (okay they aren’t secret at all). I told you where I want to go, but I didn’t tell you where I am today. Every weekend, I will give you an update on how well I am progressing towards these goals. And I want to make it perfectly clear that I can’t reach these goals without my readers, so thank you for reading.
Alexa Ranking: Goal – 200,000 or lower; Current – 471,259
I set this goal at 200,000 because that’s the minimum I need to reach to complete the Yakezie Challenge. Of all the goals I’ve set, this is the one I’m most confident I’ll reach. My Alexa ranking is a three month average of web traffic at my site. Part of the reason mine is so low is because my new URL hasn’t even been around for a full month yet, so I’m getting big whopping zeros for over two of the three months. They also give a one month ranking, and I’m sitting at 172,440. As long as I maintain or increase the traffic I’ve had this month through the end of the year, then I’ll definitely hit this goal.
*Note: Alexa tracks visitors by people with the Alexa Toolbar. Your visits to my site don’t count unless you have the toolbar, so if you really want to help me out you can download and install it here. I understand if you don’t want to though, I hate stupid extra toolbars.
Unique Visitors Per Day: Goal – 100 or more; Current – at least 50 every day
My goal is to have a minimum of 100 unique visitors every day. As you can see in the graph below, I have been steadily around 50 but also well below 100 for all but one day. 100 people a day logging in and wanting to see what is on my mind sounds totally radical to me.

Feedburner Subscribers: Goal – 300; Current – 58
I know people are busy and may not have time to visit my site every day. However, people do usually check their email every day and can check multiple blogs without going to each individual site using Google Reader. I love knowing that there are 58 people right now who like my posts so much that they are willing to have it show up in their email or reader. If you’d like to subscribe, click here.
Comments: Goal – 40 on one post; Current – 15
Very simply, I want to have one post that is so awesome that lots of people decide to comment. I love comments because it lets me know people are reading and that they find the topic interesting. If you’ve been reading but not commenting, I WANNA KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!
Visits in December: Goal – 5,000; Current – 1,629 (in October)
This is another traffic-based goal, but I think this one is important. For me to get 5,000 in a month, I’d need to hit my 100/day goal every day, plus add about another 2,000. This one is gonna be really tough.
Views for Haven’t Made a Budget: Goal – 1,500; Current – 583
You know how parents won’t pick their favorite kids? My music videos are like my kids and I don’t care, I’ll pick my favorite. (I only have two so it’s pretty easy). Haven’t Made a Budget is a really good video and I believe it can get people interested in personal finance and budgets. The video is here and if you wanted to share this with your friends, I’d be more than okay with that.
Total Upload Views: Goal – 5,000; Current – 1,198
I want to do more with videos and youtube because I think it reaches the right demographic of people I’m trying to connect with. I hope the videos I have already made get more views, but the best way for me to increase this number is to make more videos. Look for more music, more vlogs, and other fun stuff.
MoneyCrashers Rankings: Goal – Top 200; Current – 380 (out of 390)
These rankings are at MoneyCrashers. This is going to be the hardest goal to hit because this ranking takes so many different things into account, and most of them have a lot to do with how long your website has been around. The longer you’ve been around, the more people you’ll have linking to you, the more twitter followers, etc. I’m so new that most of the measurements are N/A for me (which is why my ranking is so low). If you have any tips on how I can get rid of those N/A’s and move up this list, please leave a comment below.
Total Goals Met – 0/8
These are my end of year goals, so I didn’t expect to hit any by now. I just want to share these with you because I’m not doing this alone. If you are reading this, you are already helping me reach my goals, so thank you.

Kevin McKee is an entrepreneur, IT guru, and personal finance leader. In addition to his writing, Kevin is the head of IT at Buildingstars, Co-Founder of Padmission, and organizer of Laravel STL. He is also the creator of www.contributetoopensource.com. When he’s not working, Kevin enjoys podcasting about movies and spending time with his wife and four children.
Well the least I can do is leave a comment. Good luck! You can do it!
Thanks CityFlips! What about you? When are you getting that blog kicked off?