Thousandaire Roundup 11-12

So I wasn’t planning on blogging tonight because I really want people to go read my post from yesterday about raising the Social Security age; so if you haven’t read that one already, DO IT NOW! Pretty please. Thanks. I love you.

Handy Plaid Turkey
Whoever made this is way more talented than me

The plan was for the Social Security post to be a two-day blog, but then I started reading some other blogs tonight and they are so awesome I have to share. Before I send you off to read these other posts, I just want to let you know that I will be writing and probably recording a Thanksgiving song this weekend.

There is a serious lack of Thanksgiving music, so I’m going to fill the void. I’ve already written about half of it, and it’s funny enough that you shouldn’t have a full bladder when you listen to it. If you love me and/or puppies, you’ll share my Thanksgiving song with everyone you know. I’m gonna try to have it out sometime next week so GET EXCITED YOU TURKEYS!

Now I recommend you check out my internet friends:

  • Don’t Assume that Rich People Make/Made/Will Make Mistakes @ Richly Reasonable – I just found this blog and Lauren has a great conversational writing style. I feel like we are already best friends. Except I already have a best friend Lauren! Stop trying to steal me away from Nick!
  • Sneaky Pay Cut @ Budgeting in the Fun Stuff – Crystal is too smart for the system. They told her she got a raise, but she knows she actually got a pay cut. She’s too smart for that job and I’m sure she’ll find something else soon.
  • Massive 401k Roundup @ retireby40 – Joe and I don’t agree on a lot of stuff (for example, I love company stock in my 401k) but just in case I’m wrong, here’s how he feels about 401ks.
  • October Net Worth @ meinmillions – Holy crap! This babe is rocking her net worth. I’m so impressed when other people are doing so well, it makes me want to do better! Thanks for making me feel like a turd the motivation!

photo credit: patti haskins

7 thoughts on “Thousandaire Roundup 11-12”

  1. Awww, thanks for the mention and kind thoughts! Is it sad that I know I’m smart enough for way better jobs but I just want to settle for something fun and mindless so I can blog more?

    1. If blogging is what you love, then I say do whatever it takes to make that happen and provide for yourself. At least, that’s what I would do.

  2. Thanks for including my blog! On 401k, it seems you don’t have that much in there right now (not sure where I got that from, 10k?), but it’s probably OK for you to gamble for a few years and see if it will give you a turbo boost from company stock. Good Luck! Don’t get emotionally attached though. 😉

    1. I’m gambling on company stock, and I’m pretty excited about it. I could be wrong, but that wouldn’t be the first time.

      I do a pretty good job of saving my emotions for my girlfriend instead of my 401k. 🙂

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