Update on My Mom

As I write this, my mother is recovering from her surgery.

This morning she was in surgery for about two hours. She did indeed have cancer. The doctor removed her uterus and ovaries, and sections of her colon that were also affected.

The good news is he was able to remove about 90% of the cancer. There is still about 10% left but it is only in her colon. The doctor checked other major organs, specifically her liver, and found the cancer had not moved anywhere else. The fact that it hasn’t spread is the best thing for getting rid of the rest of it.

She is recovering from the surgery right now and they will start her on chemotherapy soon to address the remaining cancer in her colon. If all goes well with the chemotherapy, she could be cancer free in a few months.

This is just the beginning of a long healing process, and who knows if there will be any complications along the way. Right now we are being as optimistic as possible and hoping for a quick recovery from the surgery. From there, we just have to help my mom get through the chemo and get her better.

Thank You and Keep Praying

Thank you so much for all the very kind comments, tweets, emails, facebook messages, and everything else I have received from all of you. This has been so much easier on me knowing that I have so much support, and I am convinced that having prayers coming in for my mom from all over the world truly helped make today’s surgery a success.

Please keep my mother in your thoughts and prayers, as she does has a long road to recovery. But I know with the fight my mom has in her and the help of hundreds of people around the world praying for her and thinking about her, she has a great chance of getting through this thing.

Once again, thank you so much. You guys are so awesome!

6 thoughts on “Update on My Mom”

  1. I am sorry to hear about your mother, but happy to hear that the surgery went well. All the best with the remaining treatment.

  2. I am sorry to hear about your mother, but happy to hear that the surgery went well. All the best with the remaining treatment.

  3. I’m so glad that the surgery went well! Even though I knew you weren’t writing for a few days, I’ve been checking here daily with hopes of an update about your mom.

    Lots of wishing her well and positive thinking, coming to you and your mom from California.

  4. Denise @ The Single Saver

    Good luck. I am praying for strength for your mom (and you), wisdom for the doctors, and for you to beat The Hoff in your race to $!M (hey, I figured it wouldn’t hurt to throw that in there).

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