Vote for ME!!!!!!

Thousandaires!!! I need your help!!!

Please watch my video and vote for me here!

I just found out about this contest at where people submit videos of the dumbest things they spend money on, and there are only two days left but the leading videos don’t have that many votes!

I can definitely make it into the top 10 or even #1 because no one else wrote an awesome song, but I really need your help!

My entry and original song “Shoes for a Race” is on my Page. All you have to do is go to the website and click vote. You don’t have to sign up or give an email address or anything! It literally takes two seconds!

Now, pretty pretty please send the link to all of your friends and have them vote for me too!

They give prizes to everyone in the top 100. As of right now, here is how the votes are stacking up:

#1 – Girl talking about art supplies – 2,049
#10 – Guy talking about Dungeons and Dragons – 254
#100 – Guy talking about ROCKS – 28!!!!
#108 – SHOES FOR A RACE by Kevin McKee – 18

There are three days left to vote, so please go vote today 11/3 and tomorrow 11/4, and help me get to the top. Vote here! Page

Here’s the link if you want to share with friends:

I love you Thousandaires!

Check out sites from all my awesome blogger friends who have made posts and helped me out:

5 thoughts on “Vote for ME!!!!!!”

  1. Financial Samurai

    Kevin, … beating the girl on art supplies is tuff man….. 1) she’s a girl, and most voters are guys, 2) she’s a girl! Girls rule video.

    Hopefully we can get you in the top 10!

    1. I agree, beating the girl is tough, but I know we have at least 2,000 PF blog readers in the Yakezie network. It’s not impossible.

      That being said, I believe top 10 is much more reasonable and I would be very happy with that.

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