
What Are The Most Annoying Co-Worker Habits?

Here’s what I’ve realized about me and making music videos. If I don’t publicly commit to all of you wonderful readers that I’m going to do a video, it doesn’t get done. I’ve had one idea ALMOST done for about three weeks now, and I’m not making any progress.

So I’m making a commitment!

I will have my next song written and completely recorded (audio only) by the end of this weekend. That’s a guarantee. Here are a few reasons why I can make this happen:

  1. It’s already about 75% done, so I just have to finish a few more lines (although these have proven to be the hardest ones to write)
  2. Tag will be out of town all weekend at a bachelorette party, so I have a completely open weekend.
  3. I’m promising to get it done.

Once I have the song completely recorded, I will start work on the video. That might be done this weekend, or it might take a little longer. But I will have a brand new video uploaded on or before February 20th.

photo credit: flickr.com/dimi3

Now here’s where you come in. I need some help writing the last 25%, so I’m going to tell you the topic of the song: Annoying Office Workers

If you work in an office, you probably have some really annoying people sitting around you. Maybe they smell. Maybe they are loud. Maybe they are touchy-feeley. In my 3+ years of office work, I’ve encountered some ridiculous stuff (the most outrageous of which is in the song already).

To help me write the last few lines, I need a few more ideas about what makes a coworker terrible. If you have an idea, post it in the comments and I might put it in my song. The funniest, most outrageous things will get the most consideration.

Please leave your comments here, and I’m officially signing off until Monday. I need a full 3-day blogging weekend to put as much time into this this as possible!

Thanks guys. You’re the best! Now leave me some comments!

26 thoughts on “What Are The Most Annoying Co-Worker Habits?”

  1. funny you should bring this up, i have a coworker who tells me I waste materials too much. just yesterday, she got my boss to tell me to use only 1 paper towel when drying my hands instead of 2.

  2. I hate when co-workers don’t push in their chairs. Every time an office metting is over it looks like a tornado went through with chairs everywhere. We’re not in kindergarten people! Push the chairs in!

  3. – Too chatty in the morning (it’s not even 8am…I just want to get to my desk)
    – Run up 6 flights of stairs, do not put on enough deodorant
    – Leave computer unlocked when you walk away when you work with sensitive information
    – Leave computer on overnight or conference room lights on for no good reason other than to waste energy
    – Slamming bathroom doors
    – Leaving your science experiment of a meal in the fridge forever
    – Thermostat changes, you can put more clothes on but I can’t take more off!

  4. Andrea @SoOverDebt

    – Coworkers who throw you under the bus when they get in trouble. (“I’m not the only one getting on Facebook – Andrea does it too!”)
    – Coworkers who constantly ask for help or coverage but never reciprocate.
    – Coworkers who use the community microwave to heat up fish.
    – Coworkers who jump into private conversations.
    – Coworkers who suck up to the boss.

  5. Too much perfume is a good one. Also, coworkers that send too much email, and– on the flip side– coworkers that don’t read their email! Also, coworkers that promise your clients services on your behalf (without checking with you first).

  6. Mine are:
    1. I have a co-worker on the other side of the cube wall that clips his nails at his desk.
    2. One or two co-workers leave an eight of a cup of coffee in the pot, figuring that they left ‘some’ excuses them from having to make a fresh pot.
    3. One co-worker wears so much cologne that I purposefully sit as far away from him in meetings as I can. They’re renovating our office and I get cold sweats when I think of the possibility that I might have to end up sitting near him one day.

    1. “2. One or two co-workers leave an eight of a cup of coffee in the pot, figuring that they left ‘some’ excuses them from having to make a fresh pot.” Ha, we could be working at the same company! We ended up putting up some of these signs in the break room. It didn’t help. http://www.passiveaggressivenotes.com/2011/05/13/coffee-pot-flowchart/A) Coworkers who have loud conversations with their speakerphones on… when the person they’re calling is 5 cubes away (I would get slightly asynchronous conversation from two different directions.) B) Coworkers who leave their cell phones at their desk with a really annoying ringtone set on it. C) One of my coworkers (an engineer, under 50) always calls me when he has questions about how to do terribly complicated Excel tasks such as resizing columns, or turning on autofilter..

  7. Co-workers who ditch work all the time, always calling out on Mondays and Fridays with lame excuses, co-workers who always want you to buy stuff from their kids, co-workers who will seek you out in the breakroom, bathroom, or wherever you may be to ask some random, non-time sensitive question, co-workers use the speakerphone with no regard for those working nearby, co-workers who steal lunches from the office fridge, co-workers who burn their popcorn in the microwave, and co-workers who bring nothing to the office potluck but eat twice and prepare a to-go plate.

  8. – The guy who brings smelly fish for lunch and stink up the microwave room.
    – The guy next cube (3 feet away) who talks loudly on the phone 2-3 hours/day.
    – The gal who makes Gollum noises…

  9. The Debbie Downers. They can divert any topic of conversation to a terrible, depressing experience they’ve had.

  10. Yeah, the fish is pretty terrible. People who buy a flat of yogurt at Costco and put the whole thing in the communal fridge. Conversely, the people who leave nasty notes that your lunch is taking up too much room in the fridge. The girl who sings–nay, not even sings, scats–at full volume all afternoon. The jerk who copies the manager on emails, hoping to get you in trouble. The coworkers who don’t have “inside” voices. I had one coworker who put on MORE cologne during the day. It would seep out of his office and make it hard for me to breathe. Baaaasically, anyone who doesn’t come in, do their work, and mind their own business.

  11. I have a coworker how daily marches into my cube and does a karate kick complete with the “hiiiyah” to announce her presence. I now keep a running tally of each time it happens. I’ve filled up quite a few post its.

  12. Chatty Kathys who just suck productivity out of the room. They have a universal knack for showing up exactly at the wrong time.

  13. It is really annoying when they keep trying to have a conversation with you when you are clearly in the middle of sending an email / on IM – multitasking is hard!!

  14. The best co-workers to have are 1. The conversationalist who spends their entire lunch at your desk yapping 2. The personal space hog who insists on standing a nose hairs length away while talking 3. The nose picker that loves to roll and flick after digging for gold.

  15. I have a co-worker who insists on cutting/trimming their finger nails at work. The sound drives me nuts.

  16. I think a co-worker having hiccups is a very annoying habit to have. Especially when someone does it everyday.


  17. I dislike coworkers who feel they have to constantly provide feedback about what you are eating. (and not because I smelled up the microwave with fish).

  18. We have “office communicator” which is like AIM for the office staff. I’m pretty sure we have it so that we can communicate quickly and continue working uninterupted. However, this one chick can’t help but come over to my desk and give me a 20 minute story when all I needed was a 5 word answer. It makes me want to kill myself.

  19. Funny stuff! Can we add 1) the people who overstate the obvious, 2) the turn it around and make it your fault guy, 3) the pretty girl who doesn’t know anything and doesn’t have to, 4) the guy who’s main job is take everyone to Chili’s for lunch, … I feel like I could keep going on forever …

  20. I hate it when my co-workers stick their face in-between me and my food at lunch and are like “mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm that looks and smells so good”. get your face out of my food and leave me alone and let me eat

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